(1) Format of arguments and rebuttals:
(a) The argument must be of a uniform typesetting; use of oversize or undersize type is prohibited.
(b) Use of graphics, tables, or graphs is prohibited.
(c) Use of columns is prohibited.
(d) Bold, italics, and underlined words are acceptable.
(e) Hyphenated words will be counted as one word.
(f) A number such as 303 will be counted as one word; however, three hundred and three will be counted as four words.
(g) Arguments submitted for publication in the VIP must be limited to 500 words; arguments in excess of this limit will only be printed through the 500th word. Rebuttals submitted for publication in the VIP must be limited to 250 words; rebuttals in excess of this limit will only be printed through the 250th word.