(1) Containers used with systems covered in ARM 4.12.719 shall be constructed,
installed, and tested as follows:
(a) the Unfired Pressure Vessel Code of ASME, except that construction under
Paragraph UW 9 at a basic joint efficiency of under eighty percent is not
authorized, and compliance with Paragraphs UG 132 and UG 133 shall not be
required; or
(b) the 1951 edition of the Joint Code of the American Petroleum Institute
and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (API-ASME) , except that
a basic joint efficiency of under eighty percent is not authorized, and compliance
with Paragraph W 601 through W 609 and ASME's Table A shall not be required.
(2) Containers exceeding 36 inches in diameter or 250 gallon capacity shall
be constructed to comply with one or more of the following requirements in
addition to ARM 4.12.704(1) :
(a) containers shall be stress-relieved after fabrication in
accordance with the Code; or
(b) cold formed heads when used shall be stress-relieved; or
(c) hot formed heads shall be used.
(3) Non-Code welding shall be made only on saddles or brackets
originally welded to the container by the manufacturer. Non-Code welding
directly to the container or any part subject to pressure is not authorized.
(4) All containers, except refrigerated storage tanks, with a design
pressure of less than 15 psig shall be inspected by a person having a current
certificate of competency from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
(5) The provisions of ARM 4.12.704 (1) shall not be construed as prohibiting
the continued use or re-installation of containers constructed and
maintained prior to the effective date of these rules.