(1) All consumers wanting
water service must make an application with the utility. Except as provided in
ARM 38.5.2502(2) , the utility may require consumers make a service application
at the utility office on printed application forms, which shall set forth all
purposes for which the water will be used upon the premises, or the utility may
allow the consumer to apply for service via the telephone. A copy of the
utility's printed application form and any subsequent modifications shall be
submitted to the Commission to become part of the utility's tariff. A deposit
for guarantee of payment for water service may be required by the utility of
the consumer applying for service pursuant to the deposit rules of the
Commission, Title 38, Chapter 5, Sub-chapter 11.
(2) All
applications for the original introduction of water service to any premises
must be made on printed application forms furnished by the utility and
described in ARM 38.5.2501(1) above, and must be signed by the property owner
of those premises. When the ownership of the premises changes, the new property
owner must make a new application for water service with the utility. A
property owner is liable for payment for water service as a consumer, unless
ARM 38.5.2502(3) applies.
(3) Where the consumer is a renter, a leasee, or is not the property owner, the
application for water service shall be made in the consumer's own name, and
that consumer shall be liable for payment for the water service. In such
instances, the utility shall indicate the name of the consumer and the date
that the consumer began to receive water service on the original written
service application that was signed by the
owner of the premises.
(4) Upon the utility's
acceptance of the application for water service, the consumer shall have the
right to take and receive a supply of water for the particular premises for the
purposes specified in the application subject to compliance by the consumer
with these rules and any special rules promulgated by the utility.
(5) When an application
for new water service has been accepted, the utility at its own expense will
tap the main and furnish corporation cock, and clamp when necessary, and any
other material used or labor furnished in connection with the tapping of the
main. All expense of laying and maintaining the service pipes from the mains to
the premises of the consumer must be borne by the consumer. The utility shall
assist consumers and/or excavation contractors in locating water service mains
and lines prior to the consumer beginning excavation in order to avoid water
service interruptions due to broken mains and lines. The service pipe must be
laid below street grade, on the premises of the consumer and at a standard
depth designated by the utility to prevent freezing. A curb cock and curb box
of approved pattern must be installed by the consumer at a point designated by
the utility. Whenever a tap is made through which regular service is not
immediately desired, the consumer will bear the entire expense of tapping,
subject to a refund whenever regular service is begun.
(6) No charge may be made for turning on the water to a new consumer during
the regular working hours of the utility.
(7) Contractors, builders or owners are required to apply for permit for the
use of water for building and other purposes in construction work. Consumers are
warned not to allow the use of their water fixtures unless the contractors, the
builders or the owners produce a permit issued by the utility specifying the
premises on which the water is to be used. Water will not be turned on at any
new building until all water used during construction has been paid for.