(1) Drop-in day care center staff shall require the parent or legal guardian of each child to be placed in care at the center to complete and sign an emergency card and health history form before the child is admitted to the center.
(2) If the center allows enrollment of children without medical verification of immunization status, then the center must post notification of such in a place that is easily visible to parents and legal guardians.
(3) If the center does not allow enrollment of children without medical verification of immunization status, and the parent or legal guardian does not have verification of the child's immunization status, then the parent or legal guardian shall indicate in writing that to the best of the parent's or legal guardian's knowledge and belief, the child is up to date with the schedule of immunizations for the child's age. This acknowledgement may suffice as verification of immunization status.
(4) Drop-in day care center staff shall ensure that the emergency card and health history form are signed and updated as necessary.