(1) Eligibility determinations under ARM 37.89.106 are effective until the earlier of:
(a) one year; or
(b) the effective date of any redetermination.
(2) The department may redetermine eligibility at any time.
(a) Eligibility must be redetermined within one year after the most recent determination or sooner based upon changes in income, family composition or the federal poverty level. Members may be required to submit completed forms and verification by a specified date for purposes of eligibility redetermination.
(b) Members must give notice of any change in total family income or family composition within 30 days of the change. Failure to give notice will be grounds for termination of eligibility until such time as complete and accurate income and family composition information is provided.
(c) Termination of eligibility, based upon a change in the federal poverty level, income or family composition, may not be effective earlier than ten days after mailing of written notice of termination to the member.
(d) An individual is liable to the department and the department may collect from the individual the amount of actual payments by the department or its agents to providers for any services furnished to the individual because of misrepresentation of income or a failure to give the required notice of changes in income or family composition.