(1) Foster parents shall use discipline appropriate to the child's age and developmental level. The foster parents' approach to discipline must be positive.
(2) The foster parents shall not use spanking or other forms of physical punishment.
(3) The foster parents shall not use any other disciplinary technique which is humiliating, shaming, cruel, capricious, frightening, or otherwise damaging to a child.
(4) No child in care shall be subjected to any form of abuse.
(5) No child in care shall be subjected to verbal abuse, derogatory remarks about himself or members of his family, or threats to expel the child from the foster home.
(6) No child in care shall be deprived of meals, mail, or family visits as a method of discipline.
(7) Foster parents shall not punish children for bed wetting or any other toilet training issue.
(8) Children must not be placed in a locked room.
(9) Participation or nonparticipation by the child in religious activities of the child or the foster family shall not be used as a form of discipline.
(10) Medication or withholding of prescribed medication shall never be used to discipline or threaten children.
(11) If a foster parent or other household member is involved in any physical discipline of a foster child or any other violation of this rule, the foster parent must report the violation as required in ARM 37.51.609.