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(1) Foster parents shall work with the placing agency to ensure that the foster child's medical needs are met.

(2) Every foster child must have an identified physician.

(3) Medical and dental care, including examinations and treatment, must be obtained for children as needed.

(4) Foster parents, in consultation with the placing agency, shall arrange for each child to have a complete Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) well child examination which includes a medical, dental, vision, and hearing screen within 30 days of placement in foster care. Subsequent examinations and treatment must be completed as recommended by the child's physician.

(5) Foster parents shall obtain psychiatric, psychological, and counseling services, including diagnosis and treatment, for each child when these services are determined to be necessary by the placing agency.

(6) Foster parents shall keep the placing agency apprised of illnesses of each foster child that require medical attention and the results of examinations, tests, and treatment recommended for each child.

(7) All medication must be kept in the original containers labeled with the original prescription labels in a place inaccessible to children.

(8) All medication must be given as prescribed unless a licensed health care provider rescinds the prescription or otherwise modifies it. The foster parent will notify the child's case worker of any changes in medication.

(9) Foster parents shall work with the placing agency to ensure that each foster child is immunized in accordance with ARM 37.51.306.

(10) In an emergency, the foster parents shall make arrangements for emergency care at a nearby hospital, clinic, or doctor's office and, as soon as possible thereafter, notify the placing agency.

(11) Foster parents may not provide tobacco products in any form to children under the age of 18 who are placed in the foster home.

(12) Foster parents may not allow children placed in the foster home to be exposed to secondhand smoke in the foster parents' home or vehicle.

(13) Nothing in (11) or (12) is meant to interfere with traditional or Native American ceremonies involving the use of tobacco.


History: 52-1-103, 52-2-111, 52-2-601, 52-2-621, 52-2-622, MCA; IMP, 52-1-103, 52-2-111, 52-2-601, 52-2-621, 52-2-622, MCA; NEW, 2006 MAR p. 1395, Eff. 6/2/06; AMD, 2024 MAR p. 1390, Eff. 6/8/24.

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