(1) Children's community home services must be provided in accordance with the performance requirements in this rule.
(2) A contractor providing children's community home services must comply with the performance requirements in this rule and the contract.
(3) Children's community home services must ensure that the child's basic life and health care needs are met.
(4) A primary goal of children's community home services is to increase the independence of children with disabilities, especially in the areas of self-help, socialization, and community interaction.
(5) The provision of services must be based on the objectives set by each child's individual planning (IP) or individual education program (IEP) team.
(6) Residents must be provided a healthy, well-balanced diet and suitable clothing.
(7) Residents must be provided the care, habilitation and guidance necessary to meet the intensive needs.
(8) Physical care, supervision, and support must be provided according to the needs of the child.
(9) Policies and procedures must be maintained to ensure health monitoring and medical assistance is provided or secured for all children served.
(10) Weekly opportunities for a variety of integrated community activities must be provided unless otherwise specified by the IP team.
(11) Daily opportunities for a variety of leisure activities must be provided unless otherwise specified by the IP team.
(12) Facilities that the department determines are appropriate must be designed and configured so as to have the potential for certification according to ICF/MR licensing requirements for residents for whom self-evacuation is impractical.
(13) Provisions must be made in accordance with the requirements of the contract for children to remain at home during the day in cases of illness, episodic behavior, or individual schedules to accommodate service needs.
(14) Transition assistance must be provided for children and their IP teams as they move into a different setting or adult services.
(15) Education and training at a minimum must be provided in the following areas of skill development:
(a) individual self help skills, including but not limited to eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, attending to basic health care needs, telling time, and telephone use;
(b) social interaction skills, including but not limited to general manners, public behavior, sexual awareness and boundaries, and personal safety;
(c) independent living skills, including but not limited to clothing care and selection, household chores, cooking, response to emergencies, home repair and maintenance, leisure and recreational choices and skills; and
(d) community living skills, including but not limited to shopping, use of public or personal transportation, restaurant skills, and traffic safety skills.