(1) If it is determined that significant public interest is involved, one or more of the following steps, as applicable, shall be taken to assist public participation in the decision-making process:
(a) a proceeding or hearing is held in compliance with the provisions of the Montana Administrative Procedure Act, Title 2, chapter 4, MCA;
(b) a public hearing, after appropriate notice is given, is held pursuant to any other provision of state law, a local ordinance, or regulation; or
(c) a news release, legal advertisement, or other method of publication will be given to news media within the area to be affected which shall include the name of a person within the department most familiar with the proposed action, that person's departmental address, and a telephone number where interested persons may submit their data, views, or arguments, orally or in written form, concerning the proposed action. This information will also be posted on the department's website.