(1) No well may be reperforated, recompleted, reworked, chemically stimulated, or hydraulically fractured without first notifying the board on Form No. 2 and receiving approval from the administrator or other authorized representative of the board. Within 30 days following completion of the well work, a subsequent report of the actual work performed must be submitted on Form No. 2.
(2) Well repairs, including tubing, pump, sucker rod replacement or repair, repairs and reconfiguration of well equipment which do not substantially change the mechanical configuration of the well bore or casing, and hot oil treatments do not require prior approval or a subsequent report. Acid and chemical treatments of less than 10,000 gallons and similar treatments intended to clean perforations, remove scale or paraffin, or remedy near-well bore damage do not require prior approval, but do require a subsequent report of the actual work performed submitted on Form No. 2 within 30 days following completion of the work.