(1) The reservoir operation procedures must
describe the method and schedule of operation of the high-hazard dam and
reservoir, which must include:
(a) procedures for safe drawdown rate of the reservoir;
(b) a description of the capabilities and limitations of the outlet facilities, spillways, and other dam appurtenances;
(c) a description of the authority granted to the dam tender and the training and direction or instruction necessary to
properly and safely operate the gates and other dam appurtenances during
normal, flood, and emergency conditions;
(d) a description of the availability of the dam tender, means of communication between the dam tender and his supervising
authority, and method of gate operation, for example, manual, automatic, or
remote control;
(e) a plan to monitor and anticipate unusual weather and hydrologic conditions and incorporate these conditions into the
operation plan;
(f) a plan including the method and frequency for routine inspections conducted by an engineer, or owners or dam tender, at
least once per year as well as inspections after critical events identified in
the plan, for example, during and after heavy runoff, a severe rainstorm, a
severe wind storm, or after an earthquake, and during periods of high storage.
The plan must identify an inspection checklist and other directions to complete
the required inspections. Inspections following critical events must be
performed by an engineer, who may also be the owner or the dam tender,
experienced in dam inspection. The completed inspection checklist and any other
report must be maintained in the owner's records;
(g) a plan for permanent monitoring of the dam,
for example, instrument installations, seepage collection systems, and water
levels necessary to ensure the safe operation of the dam. The plan must
identify the frequency of the data collection and the data value(s) that would
constitute an unsafe or watch condition. If no monitoring is considered
necessary, the reasons for this judgment must be stated; and
(h) a plan for interaction with operations of
other dams and reservoirs, upstream and downstream, that may affect or be
affected by the dam or reservoir operations during normal and emergency releases.