(1) All milk must be held
and processed under conditions and at tempera-tures that will avoid
contamination and rapid deterioration. Drip milk from can washers or any other source
may not be
used for
the manufacture of dairy products. Bulk milk in storage tanks within the dairy
plant must be handled in such a manner as to minimize bacterial increase and
must be maintained at 45� F. or lower until processing begins. This does not
preclude holding milk at higher temperatures for a period of time, where
applicable to particular manufacturing or processing practices. The
bacteriological quality of commingled milk in storage tanks must be 1� million
or lower.
(2) When pasteurization or sterilization is
intended or required, or when a product is designated "pasteurized"
or "sterilized", every particle of the product must be subjected to
such temperatures and holding periods as will assure proper pasteurization or
sterilization of the product. The heat treatment by either process must be
sufficient to insure public health safety and to assure adequate keeping
quality, yet retaining the most desirable flavor and body characteristics of
the finished product. The phenol value of check-test samples of
pasteurized finished product may be no greater than the maximum specified for
the particular product as determined and specified by the phosphatase test
method prescribed in the latest edition of "Official Methods of Analysis
of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists".
(3) All necessary precautions must be taken to prevent contamination or
adulteration of the milk or dairy products during manufacturing. All substances
and ingredients used in the processing or manufacturing of any dairy product
must be subject to inspection, be wholesome, and be practically free from
impurities. The finished product must comply with the requirements of the
federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act as to their composition and wholesomeness.