(1) A milking barn or milking parlor of adequate size and arrangement must be
provided to permit normal sanitary milking operations. It must be well lighted and ventilated, and
the floors and gutters in the milking area must be constructed of concrete or
other impervious material. The facility must be kept clean, the manure removed
daily, or stored to prevent access of cows to accumulation thereof; and no
swine, fowl, or other animals may be permitted in any part of the milking area.
(2) If milk is exposed during straining or transferring in the milking
areas, it shall be protected from falling particles from areas near or above
milk facility.
(3) The yard or loafing area shall be of ample size to prevent overcrowding,
shall be drained to prevent forming
standing water pools, insofar as practicable, and shall be kept clean.