(1) Embryo transfer technicians must make and maintain the following records related to embryo transfers.
(a) For each donor insemination, a written record of the permanent identification or registration name and registration number of the male whose semen is used. The embryo transfer technician must use his records compiled under this rule when completing forms for, or providing data to, breed associations and others.
(b) For each donor collection, a written record showing:
(i) permanent identification or registration name and registration number of each female from which embryos were recovered;
(ii) date of recovery of each embryo;
(iii) the number of transferable embryos recovered, including stage and grade as established by the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) ;
(iv) identification of each recipient to which embryos were transferred;
(v) date of transfer of each embryo; and
(vi) complete records of all embryos divided.
(c) For all embryos recovered:
(i) all frozen embryos must be labeled and graded in keeping with the standardized procedures of IETS;
(ii) an inventory record of all frozen embryos in storage must be maintained; and
(iii) a record of all divided embryos in storage must be maintained in such a manner that animals that result from divided embryos can be identified on applications for their respective registration, if necessary.
(d) For embryo transfer technicians who purchase and sell embryos, complete records of the embryo transactions at the time of sale, including, but not limited to, date of sale of all embryo sales, together with the name and address of the purchaser, the permanent identification and breed of the recipient and the identity of the embryo transferred.
(e) For embryo transfer technicians maintaining recipient herds:
(i) the identity of all recipients at the time acquired;
(ii) the date each animal was acquired;
(iii) the name and address of the person or firm from whom it was acquired;
(iv) the official health record, including brucellosis calfhood vaccination and certificate/tag/tattoo, if available;
(v) a complete record of health testing, vaccinating and parasite control while the animal was in the possession or custody of the embryo transfer technician; and
(vi) the date of each embryo transfer and the date removed from the premises, the name and address of the person or firm receiving said recipient and the identity of the embryo.
(f) For all embryo transfer technicians using specific drugs, a drug log on a form provided by the board showing the identity, date of acquisition and disposition of all drugs the embryo transfer technician obtains and administers.
(2) All of the foregoing records must be maintained for a period of at least six years.