(1) Licenses may be placed on inactive status by paying the appropriate fee and:
(a) indicating inactive status on the renewal form; or
(b) informing the board office in writing or e-mail.
(2) Inactive licensees shall:
(a) renew annually; and
(b) inform the board of all address/contact changes.
(3) Inactive status licensees may not practice in Montana.
(4) To convert from inactive to active, a licensee must submit:
(a) documentation demonstrating completion of half the continuing education hours required in ARM 24.222.2102 for each year or portion of a year on inactive status;
(b) license verification from all jurisdictions where the licensee held a license while inactive, including a detailed explanation of all pending or final discipline imposed; and
(c) satisfactory evidence the applicant was not out of active practice for more than five years.