(1) The Division may
restrict probationary licenses in the following manner:
(a) Licenses restricted to "occupational driving only" may only be used
by the licensee to travel to and from the regular place of employment, or in
search of employment, by the most direct route from the residence in a period
of time no greater than is reasonable under existing traffic conditions; and
during work hours at the specific direction of the employer for purposes of
carrying out assigned job related functions.
(b) Licenses restricted to "home to
school and return" may only be used by the licensee to travel between the
residence and the school or educational institution in which the licensee is
enrolled. Travel is only authorized immediately
before and after regular school hours and must be by the most direct route
between the residence and the school in a period of time no greater than is
reasonable under existing traffic conditions.
Driving to or from extracurricular activities is not allowed.
(c) Licenses restricted
to "essential driving only" may only be used by the licensee for:
(i) occupational driving as defined in
subsection (1) (a) above; and
(ii) home to school driving as defined in
subsection (1) (b) above; and
(iii) travel to and from the regular
residence in a
of time no greater than is reasonable under existing traffic conditions for
purposes related to maintenance of the household.
(d) Licenses restricted to "daytime hours only" may only be used by the
licensee to operate a motor vehicle from one-half hour before sunrise to
one-half hour after sunset.
(2) The
above list of restricted probationary licenses is not exclusive. The Division
may impose additional restrictions on the use of the license with respect to
time and purpose of use or impose any other condition or restriction deemed
necessary to promote driver improvement or safety.
(3) All
restricted probationary licenses issued by the Division may be used for travel
to and from required alcohol programs.
(4) Licensees holding probationary licenses with the restriction "no
recreational driving" are subject to the same driving restrictions as
those applicable to licenses restricted to "essential driving only"
under subsection (1) (c) above.