(1) If a retired PERS member returns to a position covered by PERS and is also currently employed by the same employer in one or more positions not covered by PERS, the earnings attributable to all positions with the employer must be used to determine whether the retired member's retirement benefit must be reduced pursuant to 19-3-1106, MCA.
(2) The PERS retirement benefit of a working retiree under 65 years of age who exceeds 960 hours of PERS-covered employment in a calendar year must be reduced by earnings attributable to all positions with the employer.
(3) The PERS retirement benefit of a working retiree 65 years of age and older but less than 70 1/2 years of age, who either exceeds 960 hours of PERS-covered employment or whose benefit and all earnings listed in (1) exceed the member's highest average compensation, whichever provides the higher compensation, must be reduced by earnings attributable to all positions with the employer.