(1) Agency ADA coordinators shall track reasonable accommodation requests using the Reasonable Accommodation Tracking Sheet at the State Human Resources Division web site: http://hr.mt.gov/hrpp/policies.mcpx and also available from the State Human Resources Division, Department of Administration, Room 125 Mitchell Building, 125 Roberts Street, P.O. Box 200127, Helena, MT 59620-0127, or telephone (406) 444-3871.
(2) ADA coordinators shall provide a quarterly summary of all reasonable accommodation requests to the State Human Resources Division no later than the fifteenth day of each quarter.
(3) The report must include the following information:
(a) total number of requests;
(b) whether requests were by employees or applicants;
(c) types of accommodations requested and approved;
(d) cost of accommodations;
(e) effectiveness of the accommodations;
(f) number of days to process the requests (including extenuating circumstances); and
(g) if denied, the reason for denial and whether the employee or applicant appealed.
(4) Data are for tracking purposes only and must not include confidential information such as names or references to medical conditions or impairments.
(5) The State Human Resources Division shall collect and analyze data to:
(a) assess program effectiveness;
(b) develop or modify existing policies, procedures and guides; and
(c) promote compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.