(1) Agency EEO officers shall track internal complaints using the Complaint Tracking Sheet located on the State Human Resources Division web site: http://hr.mt.gov/hrpp/policies.mcpx. EEO officers shall provide quarterly summaries of internal complaints to the State Human Resources Division no later than the fifteenth day of each quarter.
(2) The report must include:
(a) the total number of complaints;
(b) whether the complainant and accused was an employee, customer, or client;
(c) the protected class or basis of the complaint;
(d) the reason for complaint (for example, employment-related, denied access to a program or service, or inappropriate comment); and
(e) the outcome of the complaint.
(3) The report is for tracking purposes only and may not include confidential information such as names of individuals involved.
(4) The State Human Resources Division shall collect and analyze the data to:
(a) assess program effectiveness;
(b) develop or modify existing policies, procedures, and guides; and
(c) promote compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.