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18.7.309    BUSINESS SIGNS

(1) Only a business name or trade name shall be used on business signs. If a nationally, regionally, or locally recognized trade name is available, it shall be used in preference to any other form of business identification.

(2) Any message which advertises rather than identifies a business is prohibited. On "GAS" business signs, the word "diesel," "propane," or a department approved symbol for diesel or propane may be included on the business sign.

(3) Messages or trade names which interfere with, imitate, or resemble any official warning or regulatory signs, signals, or traffic control devices, or attempt or appear to attempt to direct the movement of traffic are prohibited.

(4) A business sign shall normally have a white message on a blue background; however, colors consistent with customary use may be used with nationally, regionally, or locally known trade names. The principal legend on the business sign shall be a minimum of 4 inches in height. Where a trade name is used alone for a business sign, any legend on the trade name shall be in proportion to the size. A business sign shall have a white border. When trade names are used alone, the border may be omitted.

(5) Business signs shall initially be placed on a specific information sign, having two rows of such signs in order of increasing distance as follows: Closest, upper left; second, lower left; third, upper center; fourth, lower center; fifth, upper right; sixth, lower right. On specific information signs with a single row of business signs, individual business signs shall be placed in order of increasing distance from left to right. Relative distance of each qualified business to the interchange shall be determined at the time of lease application. Later additions may be made without rearranging the remaining business signs.

(6) The order of arrangement for business signs on supplemental directional signs and trailblazer signs will be determined by the direction of the arrow. Businesses located on the left shall be designated at the top of the sign.

History: 60-5-503, MCA; IMP, 60-5-512, 60-5-513, MCA; NEW, 1990 MAR p. 111, Eff. 1/12/90; AMD, 1994 MAR P. 674, Eff. 4/1/94; TRANS, to ARM 18.6.409, 2011 MAR p. 2393, Eff. 11/11/11.

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