(1) Vegetation must be reestablished in accordance with 82-4-233, MCA. For purposes of that statute, "other constructed features" means discrete man-made features less than two acres in size that are incorporated into reclaimed areas, that have been constructed to an approved design, and that do not require revegetation to achieve the approved postmining land use or postmining slope stability.
(2) For areas designated prime farmland, the requirements of ARM 17.24.811 and 17.24.815 must be met.
(3) The department shall determine cover, planting, and stocking specifications either on a programmatic basis or for each operation based on local and regional conditions after consultation with and approval by:
(a) the department of fish, wildlife, and parks for reclamation to land uses involving fish and wildlife habitat; and
(b) the department of natural resources and conservation for reclamation to land uses involving forestry.