(1) For electric transmission lines where power transfer capacity or voltage drop is a basis of need, the application must contain an explanation of the problem situation including the following information:
(a) where thermal rating is referenced, identification of both the normal and emergency thermal ratings and an explanation of their effect on power flows;
(b) where normal transfer capacity of a transmission line is referenced, identification of a standard power factor and voltage drop limit;
(c) where emergency power transfer capacity under contingent operating conditions is referenced, identification of the voltage drop and power factor acceptable for the period of contingency;
(d) identification of any applicable design or operating voltage drop standards or legal or contractual voltage drop restrictions;
(e) a minimum of three load flow studies. The load flow studies must clearly indicate any assumptions made, including any relevant input data, and must include a single line diagram showing megawatts and megavar loads and flows and voltage levels for each study. The studies must include the following unless otherwise approved by the department:
(i) the base case, illustrating the problem;
(ii) a study showing the immediate effect of the facility; and
(iii) a study showing the effect of the facility five years later.
(f) ten-year historical and 10-year projected load growth at each point of distribution in the area that would be served by the facility, including the following:
(i) a description of the assumptions used in making the projection, and an evaluation of the extent to which load growth in the area to be served by the facility will follow or differ for the patterns shown in overall service area load growth of the applicant;
(ii) if additional block loads equal to 10% or more of a given substation load are anticipated, a list of the total connected load and the after-diversity-maximum demand for each additional load;
(iii) for substations which are delivery points for resale customers, the applicant may substitute the resale customer's forecast of load growth at that delivery point for the applicant's own forecast. In such cases an evaluation of the resale customer's forecasting method must be included; and
(iv) an explanation of the amount of excess capacity which will be available after the proposed transmission line is built, under contingent and normal conditions, and an estimate of when additional reinforcement will be necessary.