(1) An application must contain a preliminary
construction schedule, a description of typical construction equipment to be
used, an estimate of total equipment needs and a description of sequential
construction operations, such as right-of-way clearing, trenching,
pipe installation and backfilling, including estimates of the duration and
length in miles of each operation and a description of plans for and use of
staging areas.
(2) An application must contain an estimate and
discussion of the width of the level work pad needed for construction operations.
(3) An application must contain an estimate of the
area of ground disturbance resulting from construction activities, including an
estimate of mileage of flat terrain where no cut and fill excavation would be
needed and estimates of mileage of terrain where cut and fill excavation to
construct a level work pad would be required.
(4) An application must contain a description of
the methods that will be used to salvage topsoil, including:
(a) the width of the construction right-of-way
where topsoil will be salvaged;
(b) the depth to which topsoil would be salvaged;
(c) the locations where alternative methods of
topsoil salvage would be implemented; and
(d) the methods to be employed to remove coarse
rock from surface soils following construction.
(5) An application must contain a description of
the types and sizes of roads needed to build and maintain the facility, an
estimate of the road mileage and preliminary road locations required in
addition to the right-of-way, if any, in order to construct the
facility on the applicant's preferred route or proposed location for an
associated pipeline, and an estimate of how much the roads will be used.
(6) An application must contain a description of
the minimum and maximum construction right-of-way widths and the
widths of permanent easements, a description of the criteria used to determine
the widths, and a description of any land use restrictions that would be placed
on the permanent easement.
(7) An application must contain a discussion of
the proposed and alternative methods of stream crossings, including:
(a) specification of equipment types;
(b) estimates of the width and depth of
trenching; and
(c) estimates of the scour depth supported by a
discussion of the methods and calculations used to make the estimates; and
(d) amount of ground disturbance adjacent to
stream crossings.
(8) An application must contain a discussion of
the proposed and alternative methods of and conceptual designs for overhead
stream crossings, if any.
(9) An application must contain a description of
the reclamation methods that will be used to restore the right-of-way
on sidehills and over the ditch, and the measures that will be implemented to
address subsidence of soils over the trench after construction is completed.
(10) An application must contain a description of
methods the applicant will use for fire control.