(1) Each shooting range grant application must contain a comprehensive description of the proposed project. The information presented in the description will be used by the department to review, evaluate, and prioritize applications. The description must provide:
(a) statement of need and benefit for the proposed project, including:
(i) plans to enhance safety;
(ii) hunter education;
(iii) access by persons with disabilities;
(iv) use by a variety of shooters (archery, shotgun, rifle, pistol); and
(v) availability to the public;
(b) work to be completed, including:
(i) a calendar with completion dates, budget (including cost estimates and in-kind contributions); and
(c) site plan (within the property boundary) for the proposed project, including:
(i) location of proposed work/facilities;
(ii) existing development/facilities;
(iii) north orientation arrow;
(iv) access route(s) to the project;
(v) safety zones and impact areas; and
(vi) current photographs of the proposed project area.
(2) The applicant must submit satisfactory documentation of a long-term lease, easement, or ownership of the land where the project is proposed. Long-term leases are those with terms of ten years or more with option for renewal. Lease with terms of less than ten years may qualify only under special circumstances.