(1) For purposes of science content standards contained in this subchapter, the following definitions apply:
(a) "Crosscutting concepts" are those that connect learning across the different areas of disciplinary content. They are:
(i) patterns;
(ii) cause and effect;
(iii) scale, proportion, and quantity;
(iv) systems and system models;
(v) energy and matter, flows, cycles, and conservation;
(vi) structure and function; and
(vii) stability and change.
(b) "Science and engineering practices" are methods of inquiry by which ideas are developed and refined. They are:
(i) asking questions as it applies to science and defining problems as it applies to engineering;
(ii) developing and using models;
(iii) planning and carrying out investigations;
(iv) analyzing and interpreting data;
(v) using mathematics and computational thinking;
(vi) constructing explanations as it applies to science and designing solutions as it applies to engineering;
(vii) engaging in argument from evidence; and
(viii) obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.