In the matter of the amendment of ARM�������������������� �) NOTICE OF AMENDMENT
23.16.102, 23.16.103, 23.16.117,������������������������������ )
23.16.401, 23.16.502, 23.16.508,������������������������������ )
23.16.1245, 23.16.1716, 23.16.1914,���������������������� �)
23.16.1915, 23.16.1916, 23.16.1916A,������������������� �)
23.16.2001, 23.16.2107, and������������������������������������ �)
23.16.2302 concerning the effective date���������������� �)
of forms, removal of Form 1 from the������������������������ �)
rules, and application time limit for���������������������������� �)
utilizing an approved automated�������������������������������� �)
accounting and reporting system as part of�������������� �)
a vending agreement����������������������������������������� ���������� )
TO: All Concerned Persons
1. On October 25, 2007, the Department of Justice published MAR Notice No. 23-16-190 regarding the public hearing on the proposed amendment of the above-stated rules at page 1572, 2007 Montana Administrative Register, Issue Number 20.
2. The Department of Justice has amended ARM 23.16.102, 23.16.103, 23.16.117, 23.16.401, 23.16.502, 23.16.508, 23.16.1245, 23.16.1716, 23.16.1914, 23.16.1915, 23.16.1916, 23.16.1916A, 23.16.2001, and 23.16.2302 exactly as proposed.
3. ARM 23.16.2107 is not being amended at this time. On November 21, 2007, the Department of Justice published MAR Notice No. 23-16-191 regarding a Notice of Extension of Comment Period on Proposed Amendment of ARM 23.16.2107 at page 1859, 2007 Montana Administrative Register, Issue Number 22, with an expanded statement of reasonable necessity.
4. A public hearing was held on November 15, 2007. No adverse comments or suggestions were offered at the public hearing and no changes have been made to the proposed rules.
������ By: /s/ Mike McGrath���������������������������������������������� �� ����� /s/ Jon Ellingson
������������� MIKE McGRATH����������������������������������������������� ������ JON ELLINGSON
�������������Attorney General, Department of Justice�������� ������� Rule Reviewer
Certified to the Secretary of State November 26, 2007.