In the matter of the amendment of ARM 32.3.1303 identification, 32.4.101 definitions, 32.4.201 identification of alternative livestock , 32.4.203 waivers to identification, 32.4.301 inspection of alternative livestock, 32.4.401 change of ownership testing requirements for alternative livestock, 32.4.403 requirements for alternative livestock gametes (ova and semen) and embryos, 32.4.601 importation of alternative livestock, 32.4.802 quarantine facility, 32.4.1301 definitions, 32.4.1302 requirements for mandatory surveillance of Montana alternative livestock farm cervidae for chronic wasting disease, 32.4.1303 alternative livestock monitored herd status for chronic wasting disease, 32.4.1309 import requirements for cervids, 32.4.1311 management of alternative livestock cervid herds identified as CWD trace herds, 32.4.1313 management of CWD positive alternative livestock cervid herds and the repeal of ARM 32.4.1312 management of alternative livestock cervid herds with at least one animal diagnosed with CWD and with low probability of CWD transmission | ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) | NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT AND REPEAL NO PUBLIC HEARING CONTEMPLATED |
TO: All Concerned Persons
1. The Department of Livestock proposes to amend and repeal the above-stated rules.
2. The Department of Livestock will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in the rulemaking process or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Department of Livestock no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 11, 2019, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need. Please contact the Department of Livestock, 301 N. Roberts St., Room 308, P.O. Box 202001, Helena, MT 59620-2001; telephone: (406) 444-9321; TTD number: 1 (800) 253-4091; fax: (406) 444-1929; e-mail: [email protected].
3. The rules as proposed to be amended provide as follows, new matter underlined, deleted matter interlined:
32.3.1303 IDENTIFICATION (1) and (2) remain the same.
(3) The following groups of animals are required to be officially identified:
(a) sexually intact sheep and goats, regardless of age;
(b) all sheep and goats over 18 months of age;
(c) through (e) remain the same.
(4) Animals that are exempt from the individual official identification requirement are:
(a) sheep and goats under 18 months of age in recognized slaughter channels;
(b) wethers for exhibition;
(c) low risk commercial goats as defined in the Scrapie Eradiation Uniform Methods and Rules;
(d) and (e) remain the same but are renumbered (c) and (d).
AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-104, MCA
IMP: 81-2-103, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing to update this rule to reflect recent changes to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) scrapie program standards. These recent changes increase the requirements for official identification of goats.
An authorization citation is being updated accordingly.
32.4.101 DEFINITIONS In this subchapter the following terms have the meanings or interpretations indicated below and must be used in conjunction with and supplemental to those definitions contained in 87-4-406, MCA.
(1) and (2) remain the same.
(3) "Bill of sale" means the alternative livestock invoice and bill of sale form utilized by the Department of Livestock to document the valid transfer of ownership of alternative livestock.
(4) remains the same.
(5) "Certificate of veterinary inspection" means the Department of Livestock inspection certificate form designed to fulfill the requirements of a certificate of inspection under ARM 32.3.201 and conforming to the requirements of the health certificate under ARM 32.3.206, for the inspection of alternative livestock. The form must include the number, species, age, sex, individual animal identification, owner, alternative livestock farm information and the reason for the inspection.
(6) through (32) remain the same.
AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department proposes these changes to the definition of bill of sale and certificate of veterinary inspection to reflect current practices regarding the inspection of alternative livestock and to be consistent with language used throughout ARM pertaining to alternative livestock.
Authorization and implementation citations are being updated.
32.4.201 IDENTIFICATION OF alternative LIVESTOCK (1) remains the same.
(2) Every alternative livestock animal must be marked with a whole herd mark (herd tattoo) registered to the an alternative livestock farm animal owner and placed in the location on the animal identified by the department's recorder of marks and brands.
(a) The herd tattoo placed in an animal born on the alternative livestock farm or imported to the alternative livestock farm from out-of-state shall be that of the owner of the animal and is recognized as the original tattoo.
(b) through (3)(c) remain the same.
(d) All animal identification tags retrieved from alternative livestock by the department-designated agent shall be submitted to an approved diagnostic laboratory with samples for CWD testing or to the department Helena office for animals that are not CWD test eligible.
(4) and (5) remain the same.
AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
32.4.203 WAIVERS TO IDENTIFICATION (1) Under the authority of 87-4-414(5), MCA, the department may grant a temporary waiver to identification requirements. The licensee may request a temporary waiver if the animal meets the following requirements:
(a) the animal is tattooed in compliance with 81-3-102, MCA, or 87-1-231, MCA; and
(b) for animals 12 months of age and older, the animal has one existing form of approved identification.
(b) the animal has been implanted with a form of microchip identification approved and accepted by the department; and
(c) cervidae must be tested annually for TB and brucellosis.
(2) The state veterinarian may require additional tests as necessary.
(3) remains the same but is renumbered (2).
AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing the changes to ARM 32.4.201 and 32.4.203 to clarify language regarding the tattoo of alternative livestock born on a Montana alternative livestock premises and transferred to a second Montana alternative livestock premises. Because of limited availability of locations in which these animals can be tattooed, these animals are not re-tattooed. ARM 32.4.203 only applies to animals imported from out of state. The proposed changes pertaining to identification retrieved from alternative livestock are being updated to reflect a change in protocol for submission of tissues for CWD testing. Part of the CWD testing process is genetic verification that a CWD positive sample is a genetic match to the animal that the sample is reported to have originated from. This is done by genetic testing of the sample and a section of ear left with the official identification.
Finally, the department proposes to change the process by which an animal is eligible for a waiver to identification in order to provide a more realistic waiver option without increasing the risk associated with issuing such a waiver.
Authorization and implementation citations are being updated.
32.4.301 INSPECTION OF ALTERNATIVE LIVESTOCK (1) Prior to the sale, transfer of ownership, or transportation of a live animal from a licensed alternative livestock farm, with the exclusion of omnivores and carnivores, the animal must be inspected by the department-designated agent with the following exceptions:
(a) and (b) remain the same.
(c) Animals requiring emergency medical treatment may be transported without prior inspection for veterinary treatment if the following conditions are met:
(i) Prior to the movement of the animal, the owner must call the department (Helena office), and file an intent to transport the animal and schedule the inspection of the animal at the destination vet clinic. Prior to movement of the animal, an alternative livestock veterinarian must review the animal's reported condition and determine it to be an "emergency."
(ii) An inspection must be completed by an alternative livestock veterinarian prior to movement from the vet clinic and return to the alternative livestock farm; and
(iii) Any untagged and untattooed alternative livestock must be tagged and marked in compliance with 87-4-414, MCA and 81-3-102, MCA prior to return to the alternative livestock farm; and
(d) Animals transported directly to an approved slaughter facility may be transported without prior inspection if all of the following conditions are met:
(i) all animals on the permit are required to be officially identified with a Montana eartag; and
(ii) prior to the movement of the animal, the alternative livestock licensee or their agent must call the department (Helena office) and request a transport permit number, provide the department the complete individual animal identification, age, sex, and species of each animal intended for shipment and the immediate destination of the animals; and
(iii) the department (Helena office) will issue a transport permit number that will be valid for 48 hours from the time of issue to allow movement of the animals from the alternative livestock farm to the approved slaughter facility; and
(iv) the transport permit number must be written on a department-approved form, a copy of which must accompany the animal(s) to the destination; and
(v) the alternative livestock licensee shall retrieve the alternative livestock animal head(s), all official identification tags, an official receipt for the animal(s) from the slaughter facility; and
(A) for animals meeting test age criteria, the licensee shall must ensure the appropriate CWD testing samples are submitted by an alternative livestock veterinarian to an approved laboratory for testing; and
(vi) through (e) remain the same.
(2) For animals that are killed by predators or die of natural causes, the animal death must be reported to the department (Helena office) within one five working days of the discovery of death.
(a) through (3) remain the same.
(4) A valid bill of sale must accompany any sale, or transfer of ownership of any alternative livestock farm animal, carcass, meat or parts.
(a) through (7) remain the same.
AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 81-2-104, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing the requirement to have animals inspected by a veterinarian prior to transport to a veterinary hospital for emergency treatment be removed. By the process of the owner first obtaining a permit for transport from the department, the movement of the animal and the verification of identification will be accomplished by reconciliation with the veterinarian's records. The requirement for an additional exam could be burdensome. The proposed change to the requirements for transport of animals direct to slaughter without prior examination is to clarify the currently outlined stipulations.
Finally, to be consistent with USDA chronic wasting disease program standards, the department is proposing to increase the number of days an alternative livestock licensee has to report on-farm mortalities.
Authorization and implementation citations are being updated.
32.4.401 CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR alternative livestock (1) remains the same.
(2) The department may waive change of ownership and transportation testing requirements of alternative livestock consigned for sale as shooters and/or slaughter on the immediate alternative livestock farm premises, or consigned to an out-of-state destination with the following conditions:
(a) and (b) remain the same.
AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
32.4.403 REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTERNATIVE LIVESTOCK GAMETES (OVA AND SEMEN) AND EMBRYOS (1) The use of semen within the state of Montana and the import of semen into the state, for artificial insemination of alternative livestock must meet all of the requirements of 81-2-403 81-2-703, MCA, rules promulgated under the authority of 81-2-402 81-2-703, MCA, and any order of the state veterinarian.
(2) remains the same.
AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 81-2-703, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing to strike existing language in ARM 32.4.401 and 32.4.403 referencing alternative livestock as shooters as this is a prohibited activity according to Fish, Wildlife and Parks statute. The department is also proposing to update statutory citations to reflect changes made by the 2019 Legislature.
32.4.601 IMPORTATION OF ALTERNATIVE LIVESTOCK (1) through (3) remain the same.
(4) Alternative livestock shall be accompanied by an official health certificate and a permit, which must be attached to the waybill or be in the possession of the driver of the vehicle or person in charge of the animals. When a single health certificate and/or permit is issued for animals being moved in more than one vehicle, the driver of each vehicle shall have in his/her possession must possess a copy of the health certificate or permit.
(a) The official health certificate must meet all of the requirements of ARM 32.3.206 and the accredited veterinarian issuing the health certificate must certify that the following conditions are true:
(i) All elk in the shipment have been certified free from red deer gene markers as required by ARM 32.4.402. No elk-red deer hybrid may be imported. Certification must be provided to the department prior to the issuance of an import permit;
(ii) The accredited veterinarian issuing the health certificate shall assess the herd of origin and determine if the alternative livestock have been infected by or exposed to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Johnes disease). A statement summarizing his the findings shall be included on the health certificate. No animal exposed to or infected with M. paratuberculosis may be imported;
(iii) through (10) remain the same.
AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 81-2-402, 81-2-707, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 81-2-402, 81-2-403, 81-2-703, 81-2-707, 81-3-102, 87-4-414, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing clarifying language in ARM 32.4.601 with no change to the intent or meaning of existing language. The department is also proposing updating the authorizing an implementing statutory citation to reflect changes made by the 2019 Legislature.
32.4.802 QUARANTINE FACILITY (1) remains the same.
(2) An alternative livestock farm license or the approval Approval for expansion of the an alternative livestock farm shall not be granted by the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks until the licensee applicant receives department approval of the quarantine facility and handling facilities.
(3) A licensee applying for an expansion of an alternative livestock farm The applicant for an alternative livestock farm license shall submit the following to the department and the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks at the time the application (or application for an expansion) for the alternative livestock farm license is submitted to the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks:
(a) through (6) remain the same.
AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The Department of Livestock is proposing to remove references to new applications for alternative livestock licenses because the issuance of new licenses under 87-4-407, MCA, has been prohibited since November 7, 2000.
Authorization and implementation citations are being updated.
32.4.1301 DEFINITIONS In this subchapter, the following terms have the meanings or interpretations indicated below and must be used in conjunction with and supplemental to those definitions contained in 87-4-406, MCA, ARM 32.4.101, and any subsequent department rule or order including 9 CFR 55 and 81.
(1) through (5) remain the same.
(6) "CWD exposed cervid" or "exposed animal" means a cervid that is from an affected herd or for which epidemiological investigation indicates contact with CWD affected cervids or contact with cervids from a CWD affected herd or contact with a contaminated premises within the last five years.
(7) "CWD exposed cervid herd" or "exposed herd" means cervids that are an affected herd or herds for which epidemiological investigation indicates contact with CWD affected cervids or contact with cervids from a CWD affected herd or contact with a CWD positive animal within the five years prior to the animal's diagnosis.
(8) through (10) remain the same.
(11) "CWD trace herd" or "trace herd" is a cervid herd where an affected animal resided within 36 months prior to its death five years prior to that animal's diagnosis with CWD, or any cervid herd which received animals from a CWD affected or exposed herd within 36 months of the death of a CWD affected animal the previous five years.
(12) through (17) remain the same.
AUTH: 81-2-103, 81-2-104, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing to update definitions for exposed and trace herds/animals, increasing the time of exposure to five years for all categories to reflect newly published USDA CWD herd certification program standards.
32.4.1302 REQUIREMENTS FOR MANDATORY SURVEILLANCE OF MONTANA ALTERNATIVE LIVESTOCK FARM CERVIDAE FOR CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE (1) The licensee must present his the entire herd annually every 11-13 months for visual inspection by a designated agent of the department, including verification and recording of visual identification. The department will verify reconcile alternative livestock game farm animal's identification and the alternative livestock inventory must reconcile with the department's records.
(2) The licensee must present the entire herd no more than every three years beyond the initial herd enrollment for physical inspection by a designated agent of the department, including verification and recording of all forms of identification. The department will reconcile alternative livestock game farm animal's identification and the alternative livestock inventory with the department's records.
(3) The licensee must retain a complete herd inventory of animals that shall include all forms of identification, age, species, sex, source, and death if applicable. Individual animal records must be retained for five years after a cervid has left a herd or has died. Records must be made available to department personnel upon request and at the time of each annual inspection or inventory.
(2) (4) The licensee must report all alternative livestock deaths to the department (Helena office) within one five days of the discovery of death as required by 87-4-415, MCA.
(3) (5) Upon the discovery of dead cervids, the licensee must immediately request an inspection of the alternative livestock as required by ARM 32.4.301. At the time of the inspection of the dead animal, the alternative livestock veterinarian shall remove the currently required tissue samples and/or specimens and submit them to a department-approved laboratory for testing for chronic wasting disease (CWD).
(a) and (i) remain the same.
(ii) If a licensee collects CWD samples they must submit the currently required tissue samples to an alternative livestock veterinarian along with the animal's ear(s) or cape with ears intact containing official identification tags and tattoo.
(iii) through (e) remain the same.
(4) (6) Failure to comply with the requirements of this rule may result in the following:
(a) A requirement to replace missed or poor-quality samples with testable post-mortem samples from an equal number of animals of the same sex and species as the missed samples.
(a) (b) The monitored status of the herd may be reclassified to "suspended." or reduced.
(b) (c) The cervid herd may be placed under a hold order.
(c) (d) The department may consider failure to comply with this rule as a violation of 87-4-427, MCA.
(5) (7) Any person having knowledge that an alternative livestock farm cervid has been diagnosed as affected with CWD or exposed to CWD must report that knowledge to the department as required by ARM 32.4.1001.
AUTH: 81-2-103, 81-2-104, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing to clarify requirements for annual herd inventories and inspections to be consistent with proposed USDA program standards. These changes include an annual visual inspection of all animals, a three-year requirement for physical inspection, and records keeping requirements for alternative livestock licensees.
The department is also proposing to increase the amount of time an alternative licensee has to report deceased cervids.
An authorization citation is being updated accordingly.
32.4.1303 alternative livestock MONITORED HERD STATUS FOR CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE (1) The alternative livestock cervid herd shall be assigned a monitored herd status by the department at the conclusion of each year of mandatory CWD surveillance as follows:
(a) through (b)(iv) remain the same.
(v) Level V is the status of a herd after completion of five years of required surveillance. For those enrolled in the voluntary federal CWD herd certification plan, one year from the date a herd is placed in Level 5 status, the herd status will be changed to Certified, and will remain in Certified status as long as it is enrolled in the program, provided its status is not lost, or suspended, or reduced in accordance with these rules.
(c) remains the same.
AUTH: 81-2-103, 81-2-104, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing providing an allowance to reduce the CWD status of producers who fail to comply with CWD testing requirements to reflect newly published USDA CWD herd certification program standards.
An authorization citation is being updated accordingly.
32.4.1309 IMPORT REQUIREMENTS FOR CERVIDS (1) and (2) remain the same.
(3) The state veterinarian may deny importation from states that do not meet the following requirements:
(a) The state of origin must have the legal means of control and/or disposition of CWD affected, exposed or trace herds;
(b) the state of origin must have the power and authority to quarantine CWD affected, exposed or trace herds; and
(c) if CWD has been confirmed in any herds within the state of origin, the state veterinarian of that state must have completed an epidemiological investigation and identified all CWD affected, exposed or trace herds. ; and
(d) no confirmed cases of CWD in wildlife as established by a wildlife surveillance program that the state veterinarian determines is equivalent to or more robust than Montana's program.
(4) remains the same.
AUTH: 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department proposes adding a condition by which the state veterinarian can deny the importation to include presence of CWD or lack of an established surveillance program for wildlife to address the potential risk of importing a CWD positive animal in the absence of an approved ante-mortem test.
32.4.1311 MANAGEMENT OF alternative livestock CERVID HERDS IDENTIFIED AS CWD TRACE HERDS (1) through (1)(d) remain the same.
(i) The entire herd shall be placed under a hold order quarantine and shall be restricted from movement from the premise for a period of 12 months five years from the last exposure to a CWD positive animal. date of death of the CWD affected cervid traced to the herd.
(ii) The high-risk animals may be placed under an extended hold order or quarantine for a period of 48 months.
(iii) (ii) High-risk animals shall be restricted from contact with other animals in the herd.
(iv) (iii) The licensee may sacrifice all high-risk animals and submit tissue samples and/or specimens from each CWD test eligible animal in accordance to ARM 32.4.1302. If all high-risk animals are sacrificed and no CWD positive animal is identified, the hold order on quarantine of the remaining animals will be reviewed for release.
(e) remains the same
(f) The CWD monitored herd status will be designated as "CWD monitored, status pending" until the hold order quarantine is released.
AUTH: 81-2-103, 81-2-104, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing to update the duration of a quarantine for CWD trace herds to be consistent with newly published USDA program standards.
An authorization citation is being updated accordingly.
32.4.1313 MANAGEMENT OF CWD POSITIVE alternative livestock CERVID HERDS WITH AT LEAST ONE ANIMAL DIAGNOSED WITH CWD AND WITH THE PROBABILITY OF CWD TRANSMISSION (1) Disposition of cervid herds with a CWD confirmed diagnosis and the probability of CWD transmission within the herd is as follows:
(a) Complete depopulation and post-mortem testing of the herd; or
(b) The entire herd shall be placed under quarantine for a period of five years since the last CWD positive case.
(a) (i) The licensee must comply with CWD surveillance of the herd as outlined in ARM 32.4.1302.
(b) The licensee shall present the entire herd for inspection and inventory within ten days of notification of the state veterinarian.
(c) The state veterinarian shall complete an epidemiological investigation of the herd.
(d) The state veterinarian shall identify high-risk animals within the herd.
(i) The entire herd shall be placed under a quarantine for a period of 36 months from the date of death of the last CWD affected animal.
(ii) High-risk animals shall be restricted from contact with other animals in the herd.
(iii) After the 36-month quarantine period, the high-risk animals may be placed under a hold order for an additional 12 months.
(iv) The licensee may sacrifice all high-risk animals and submit tissue samples and/or specimens from each CWD test eligible animal in accordance to ARM 32.4.1302. If all high-risk animals are sacrificed and no CWD positive animal is identified, the herd will remain under quarantine for three years from the last diagnosed case.
(e) (ii) The licensee shall meet with the state veterinarian and develop a herd plan within 15 30 days of the detection of CWD in the herd inventory and inspection date as required under (1)(b).
(f) The herd will be designated as "monitored, herd status pending."
AUTH: 81-2-103, 81-2-104, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department is proposing changes to ARM 32.4.1313 to reflect changes and updates to USDA CWD program standards. The changes reflected here are in line with existing language and current management of CWD infected and exposed premises. Additionally, the department is proposing an additional stipulation to importation of cervids to establish that an area may not be designated as free of CWD if no wildlife surveillance has been conducted.
An authorization citation is being updated accordingly.
4. The department proposes to repeal the following rule:
AUTH: 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
IMP: 81-2-103, 87-4-422, MCA
REASON: The department proposes to repeal ARM 32.4.1312 because all herds diagnosed with CWD will be managed regardless of probability of CWD transmission according to USDA program standards.
5. Concerned persons may submit their data, views, or arguments in writing concerning the proposed action to the Executive Officer, Department of Livestock, 301 N. Roberts St., Room 308, P.O. Box 202001, Helena, MT 59620-2001, by faxing to (406) 444-1929, or by e-mailing to [email protected] to be received no later than 5:00 p.m., October 18, 2019.
6. If persons who are directly affected by the proposed action wish to express their data, views, or arguments orally or in writing at a public hearing, they must make a written request for a hearing and submit this request along with any written comments they have to the same address as above. The written request for hearing must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., October 18, 2019.
7. If the department receives requests for a public hearing on the proposed action from either 10 percent or 25, whichever is less, of the businesses who are directly affected by the proposed action; from the appropriate administrative rule review committee of the Legislature; from a governmental subdivision or agency; or from an association having not less than 25 members who will be directly affected, a public hearing will be held at a later date. Notice of the public hearing will be published in the Montana Administrative Register. Ten percent of those directly affected has been determined to be 10, based upon approximately 30 current producers who hold an active alternative livestock license and 71 active veterinarians who would be required to report and quarantine animals having the diseases listed in ARM 32.3.104.
8. The department maintains a list of interested persons who wish to receive notices of rulemaking actions proposed by this agency. Persons who wish to have their name added to the list shall make a written request that includes the name, e-mail, and mailing address of the person to receive notices and specifies for which program the person wishes to receive notices. Notices will be sent by e-mail unless a mailing preference is noted in the request. Such written request may be mailed or delivered to the contact person in 5 above or may be made by completing a request form at any rules hearing held by the department.
9. The bill sponsor contact requirements of 2-4-302, MCA, do not apply.
10. With regard to the requirements of 2-4-111, MCA, the department has determined that the amendment and repeal of the above-referenced rules will not significantly and directly impact small businesses.
BY: /s/ Michael S. Honeycutt BY: /s/ Cinda Young-Eichenfels
Michael S. Honeycutt Cinda Young-Eichenfels
Board of Livestock Rule Reviewer
Department of Livestock
Certified to the Secretary of State September 10, 2019.