Montana Administrative Register Notice 17-405 No. 16   08/23/2019    
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                                         OF THE STATE OF MONTANA


In the matter of the amendment of ARM 17.36.802 and 17.38.106 pertaining to subdivision and public water and wastewater review fees, and New Rule I pertaining to certification under 76-4-127, MCA














TO:  All Concerned Persons


            1.  On September 16, 2019, at 10:00 a.m., the Board of Environmental Review and the Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing in Room 111 of the Metcalf Building, 1520 East Sixth Avenue, Helena, Montana, to consider the proposed amendment and adoption of the above-stated rules.


            2.  The board and department will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this rulemaking process or need an alternative accessible format of this notice.  If you require an accommodation, contact Sandy Scherer, Legal Secretary, no later than 5:00 p.m., September 9, 2019, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need.  Please contact Sandy Scherer at the Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Montana 59620-0901; phone (406) 444-2630; fax (406) 444-4386; or e-mail [email protected].


            3.  The rules proposed to be amended provide as follows, stricken matter interlined, new matter underlined:


            17.36.802  FEE SCHEDULES  (1)  An applicant for approval under this subchapter shall pay the following fees:

            (a)  type of lots:

            (i)  subdivision lot or parcel or townhouse                                   $ 125.00 175.00

            (ii)  condominium/townhouse/trailer court/recreational camping vehicle

campground unit or space                                                                          $ 50.00 70.00

            (iii)  resubmittal fee - previously approved lot, boundaries are not changed per

lot or parcel                                                                                                   $ 75.00 100.00

            (b)  type of water system:

            (i)  individual or shared water supply system (existing and proposed) per

unit                                                                                                                 $ 85.00 120.00

            (ii)  multiple-user system (non-public):

            (A)  - each new system                                                                   $ 315.00 440.00

                                                                                                (plus $ 105.00

                                                                                                150.00 / hour for

                                                                                                                        review in excess

                                                                                                                        of four hours)

            (B)  - new distribution system design per lineal foot                  $ 0.25 0.50

            (C)  - connection to distribution system per lot or unit               $ 70.00 100.00

            (iii)  public water system:

            (A)  new system per component                                                   per ARM

                                                                                                                        17.38.106 fee


            (B)  new distribution system design per lineal foot                    $ 0.25

            (C)  connection to distribution system per lot or structure        $ 70.00

            (c)  type of wastewater disposal:

            (i)  existing systems per unit                                                          $ 75.00 105.00

            (ii)  new gravity fed system per drainfield                                    $ 95.00 130.00

            (iii)  new dosed system, elevated sand mound, ET systems, intermittent sand

filter, ETA systems, recirculating sand filter, recirculating trickling filter, aerobic treatment unit, nutrient removal, and whole house subsurface drip irrigation systems:

            (A)  per design                                                                                 $ 190.00 250.00

                                                                                                                        (plus $ 105.00

                                                                                                                        150.00 / hour for

                                                                                                                        review in excess

                                                                                                                        of two hours)

            (B)  per drainfield                                                                             $ 50.00 70.00

            (iv)  gray water reuse systems, holding tanks, sealed pit privies, unsealed pit

privies, seepage pits, waste segregation, experimental systems        $ 95.00 130.00

                                                                                                                        (plus $ 105.00

                                                                                                                        150.00 / hour in

                                                                                                                        excess of two


            (v)  multiple-user wastewater system (non-public):

            (A)  - new collection system design per lineal foot                     $ 0.25 0.35

            (B)  - connection to collection system per lot or unit                  $ 70.00 100.00

            (vi)  new public wastewater system per component                  per ARM

                                                                                                                        17.38.106 fee


            (A)  - new collection system design per lineal foot                     $  0.25

            (B)  - connection to collection system per lot or structure         $ 70.00

            (d)  other:

            (i)  deviation from circular per request or design                                    $ 200.00 300.00

                                                                                                                        (plus $ 105.00

                                                                                                                        150.00 / hour for

                                                                                                                        review in excess

                                                                                                                        of two hours)

            (ii)  waiver from rule per request                                                   $ 200.00 300.00

                                                                                                                        (plus $ 105.00

                                                                                                                        150.00 / hour for

                                                                                                                        review in excess

                                                                                                                        of two hours)

            (iii)  reissuance of original approval statement per request      $ 60.00 90.00

            (iv)  review of revised lot layout document per request             $ 125.00 175.00

(v)  municipal facilities exemption checklist (former master

      plan exemption) per application                                              $ 100.00 150.00

            (vi)  nonsignificance determinations/categorical exemption reviews:

            (A)  - individual/shared systems per drainfield                           $ 60.00 90.00

                                                                                                                        (plus $ 105.00

                                                                                                                        150.00 / hour for

                                                                                                                        review in excess

                                                                                                                        of two hours)

            (B)  - multiple-user non-public systems per lot or structure      $ 30.00 45.00

                                                                                                                        (plus $ 105.00

                                                                                                                        150.00 / hour for

                                                                                                                        review in excess

                                                                                                                        of two hours)

            (C)  - source specific mixing zone per drainfield                        $ 200.00 275.00

            (D)  - public systems per drainfield                                               per ARM 17.38.106 fee schedule

            (vii)  storm drainage plan review:

            (A)  - plans exempt from Circular DEQ-8 simple plan review per lot project     $ 40.00 150.00

            (B)  - plans subject to Circular DEQ-8 standard plan review:

            (I)  per design project                                                                      $ 180.00 250.00

            (II)  plus per lot                                                                                 $ 40.00 60.00

                                                                                                (plus $ 105.00                                                                                               150.00 / hour for

                                                                                                review in excess

                                                                                                of 30 minutes

                                                                                                per lot)

            (viii)  preparation of environmental assessments/environmental impact

statements:                                                                                                    actual cost.

            (ix)  review for compliance with ARM 17.30.718                        $900.00 (plus $150 / hour for review in excess of 6 hours).


AUTH:  76-4-105, MCA

IMP:  76-4-105, MCA


            REASONThe department is proposing to increase subdivision fees to cover actual costs for reviewing plats and subdivisions, conducting inspections, and conducting enforcement activities.  The last major change to the subdivision fees was in 2013.  Previous fiscal year expenses and revenue were the following:


FY 17 Revenue $ 826,213.53    Expenses $ 921,385.02    Difference $ -95,171.49

FY 18 Revenue $ 955,232.33    Expenses $ 971,050.56    Difference $ -15,818.23


Average expenses exceeded average revenue by approximately 7 percent over the past two fiscal years.  Expenses to the department grew by over 5 percent between FY 17 and FY 18.  Assuming a conservative average increase in expenses of 2 percent per year, the department projects that fees will need to be increased by 40 percent to cover the department's actual costs through 2027.  The department has projected expenses through this date to allow the department and contracted counties to budget and plan for future needs and to provide long-term predictability for the regulated community.  The proposed fee increase used an average 40 percent increase per component, to the next five or ten cent or dollar increment.  Approximately 800 subdivision files per year will be impacted by this fee increase, resulting in an approximate cumulative increase of $382,093 per year.  The department consulted with a broad representation of stakeholders, including developers, consultants, engineers, and others in the regulated community, and has received no negative feedback regarding these proposed fee increases.

In addition to this general increase in fees, the department is proposing to make the following other amendments to ARM 17.36.802.

The department is proposing to amend (1)(a)(i) and (ii) so that townhouse applications will be subject to the same fees as subdivision lots.  Townhouses create new lots that take as much time to review as other subdivision lots, and the fees should reflect the time incurred in reviewing them.  Together with the general fee increase discussed above, this change will result in an increased fee of $125 for each townhouse.  The department does not maintain separate data for townhouse applications, and each application contains a different number of townhouses.  Nevertheless, the department estimates that it receives approximately twenty townhouse applications per year, with each project generally containing ten to twenty townhouses.

The department is proposing to delete (1)(b)(iii)(B) and (C) and (1)(c)(vi)(A) and (B), which are duplicative of (1)(b)(iii)(A) and (1)(c)(vi).  This amendment will have no impact on fees; it will merely delete the duplicative rule sections.

The department is proposing to update the terminology in (1)(d)(vii)(A) and (B) to refer to "simple" and "standard" storm water plans instead of "exempt" and "non-exempt" plans.  This is necessary to conform the rule language with the 2018 edition of Department Circular DEQ-8.  Instead of applying the general 40 percent fee increase discussed above, the department is proposing to increase fees for simple plans from $40 to $150, but on a per-project basis instead of a per-lot basis.  This is necessary because simple plans take a minimum of one hour of review time.  Approximately 1/3 of all subdivision applications include simple storm water plans, or approximately 266 files per year.  This will result in a cumulative increase of approximately $29,620 per year.  The department is proposing to amend (1)(d)(vii)(B)(I) to refer to the "project" instead of the "design" and to amend (1)(d)(vii)(B)(II) to say "plus per lot," both which are necessary to clarify the language in the fee.

            The department is proposing that applicants pay to cover the costs of the department's review to classify a subsurface wastewater treatment system as level 1a, level 1b, or level 2 under ARM 17.30.718.  This review takes approximately six hours of staff time.  This new fee is necessary to cover the costs of this review because currently applicants pay no fee for this review.  The department receives approximately three of these applications per year.


17.38.106  FEES  (1) remains the same.

(2)  Department review will not be initiated until fees calculated under (2)(a) through (f) and (5) have been received by the department.  If applicable, the final approval will not be issued until the calculated fees under (3) and (4) have been paid in full.  The total fee for the review of a set of plans and specifications is the sum of the fees for the applicable parts or subparts listed in these subsections:

(a)  The fee schedule for designs requiring review for compliance with Department Circular DEQ-1 is set forth in Schedule I, as follows:


                                                              SCHEDULE I


                       ultra violet disinfection                                          $ 700 1,000

                       point-of-use/point-of-entry treatment                  $ 700 1,000

           Section 1.0 Engineering Report                                        $ 280 400

           Section 3.1 Surface water

                       quality and quantity                                               $ 700 1,000

                       structures                                                                 $ 700 1,000

           Section 3.2 Ground water                                                  $ 840 1,200

           Section 4.1 Microscreening                                               $ 280 400

           Section 4.2 Clarification

                       standard clarification                                             $ 700 1,000

                       solid contact units                                                  $ 1,400 2,000

           Section 4.3 Filtration

                       rapid rate                                                                  $ 1,750 2,500

                       pressure filtration                                                   $ 1,400 2,000

                       diatomaceous earth                                               $ 1,400 2,000

                       slow sand                                                                $ 1,400 2,000

                       direct filtration                                                         $ 1,400 2,000

                       biologically active filtration                                                $ 1,400 2,000

                       membrane filtration                                                            $ 1,400 2,000

                       micro and ultra filtration                                        $ 1,400 2,000

                       bag and cartridge filtration                                                $ 420 600

           Section 4.4 Disinfection                                                     $ 700 1,000

           Section 4.5 Softening                                                         $ 700 1,000

           Section 4.6 Ion Exchange                                                 $ 700 1,000

           Section 4.7 Aeration

                       natural draft                                                             $ 280 400

                       forced draft                                                              $ 280 400

                       spray/pressure                                                        $ 280 400

                       packed tower                                                           $ 700 1,000

           Section 4.8 Iron and manganese                                     $ 700 1,000

           Section 4.9 Fluoridation                                                     $ 700 1,000

           Section 4.10 Stabilization                                                  $ 420 600

           Section 4.11 Taste and odor control                                $ 560 800

           Section 4.12 Adsorptive media                                         $ 700 1,000

Chapter 5 Chemical application                                        $ 980 1,400

           Chapter 6 Pumping facilities                                             $ 980 1,400

           Section 7.1 Plant storage                                                   $ 980 1,400

           Section 7.2 Hydropneumatic tanks                                  $ 420 600

           Section 7.3 Distribution storage                                        $ 980 1,400

Chapter 8 Distribution system

                       per lot fee                                                                $ 70 100

                       non-standard specifications                                 $ 420 600

                       transmission distribution (per lineal foot)           $ 0.25 0.35

                       rural distribution system (per lineal foot)             $ 0.03 0.04

                       sliplining existing mains (per lineal foot)             $ 0.15 0.20

           Chapter 9 Waste disposal                                                  $ 700 1,000

           Appendix A

                       new systems                                                           $ 280 400

                       modifications                                                          $ 140 200


           (b)  The fee schedule for designs requiring review for compliance with Department Circular DEQ-2 is set forth in Schedule II, as follows:


                                                               SCHEDULE II


            Chapter 10 Engineering reports and facility plans

                        engineering reports (minor)                                    $ 280 400

                        comprehensive facility plan (major)                      $ 1,400 2,000

            Chapter 30 Design of sewers

                        per lot fee                                                                  $ 70 100

                        non-standard specifications                                  $ 420 600

                        collection system (per lineal foot)                          $ 0.25 0.35

                        sliplining existing mains (per lineal foot)              $ 0.15 0.20

            Chapter 40 Sewage pumping station

                        force mains (per lineal foot)                                   $ 0.25 0.35

                        1000 gpm or less                                                    $ 700 1,000

                        greater than 1000 gpm                                            $ 1,400 2,000

            Chapter 60 Screening grit removal

                        screening devices and comminutors                   $ 420 600

                        grit removal                                                               $ 420 600

                        flow equalization                                                      $ 700 1,000

            Chapter 70 Settling                                                             $ 1,120 1,500

            Chapter 80 Sludge handling                                              $ 2,240 3,000

            Chapter 90 Biological treatment                                        $ 3,360 4,700

                        nonaerated treatment ponds                                 $ 1,120 1,500

                        aerated treatment ponds                                        $ 1,960 2,800

            Chapter 100 Disinfection                                                   $ 900 1,200

            Chapter 120 Irrigation and Rapid Infiltration Systems   $ 980 1,400

            Appendices A and C (per design)                                     $ 980 1,400


            (c)  The fee schedule for designs requiring review for compliance with Department Circular DEQ-3 is set forth in Schedule III, as follows:


                                                              SCHEDULE III


Section 3.2 Ground water                                                               $ 840 1,200

Chapter 6 Pump facilities                                                               $ 420 600

Chapter 7 Finished storage/hydropneumatic tanks                   $ 420 600

Chapter 8 Distribution system                                                       $ 420 600


            (d)  The fee schedule for designs requiring review for compliance with Department Circular DEQ-4 is set forth in Schedule IV, as follows:


                                                             SCHEDULE IV


           Chapter 4 Pressure Dosing                                               $ 280 400

           Chapter 5 Septic Tanks                                                      $ 280 400

           Chapter 6 Soil Absorption Systems                                  $ 280 400

           Chapter 6, Subchapter 6.8 ETA and ET Systems         $ 700 1,000

           Chapter 7, Subchapters 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 Filters           $ 280 400

           Chapter 7, Subchapter 7.4 Aerobic Treatment               $ 700 1,000

           Chapter 7, Subchapter 7.5 Chemical

Nutrient-Reduction Systems                                              $ 700 1,000

           Chapter 7, Subchapter 7.6 Alternate Advanced

Treatment Systems                                                             $ 700 1,000

           Chapter 8 Holding Tanks, Pit Privy, Seepage Pits,

Waste Segregation, Experimental Systems                    $ 280 400

           Appendix D                                                                           $ 280 400

           Non-degradation Review                                                   $ 420 600


           (e)  The fee schedule for designs requiring review for compliance with Department Circular DEQ-10 is set forth in Schedule V as follows:


                                                             SCHEDULE V

           Spring box and collection lateral                                       $ 350 500


           (f)  The fee schedule for designs requiring review for compliance with Department Circular DEQ-16 is set forth in Schedule VI, as follows:


                                                             SCHEDULE VI

           Cisterns                                                                                 $ 420 600


(3)  Fees for review of plans and specifications not covered under (2) are established by the department based on a charge of $105 150 per hour multiplied by the time required to review the plans and specifications.  The review time applied to each set of plans and specifications will be determined by the review engineer and documented with time sheets.

            (4)  The fee for review of plans and specifications previously denied, for staff time over two hours, is $105 150 per hour, assessed in half-hour increments, multiplied by the time required to review the plans and specifications.  The review time applied to each set of plans and specifications must be determined by the review engineer and documented with time sheets.

            (5)  The fee for review of deviations is $200 300 per deviation.

(6) and (7) remain the same.


AUTH:  75-6-108, MCA

IMP:  75-6-108, MCA


REASONThe board is proposing to amend ARM 17.38.106 to increase fees for department review of plans and specifications of public water supply and public wastewater systems.  Such increases are necessary to cover department costs in conducting such reviews.  The last major change to these fees was in 2010.  Previous fiscal year expenses and revenue were the following:


FY 17 Revenue $ 470,097.73    Expenses $ 498,450.95    Difference $ -28,353.22

FY 18 Revenue $ 606,894.58    Expenses $ 659,109.63    Difference $ -52,215.05


Average expenses exceeded average revenue by approximately 7 percent over the past two fiscal years.  Assuming a conservative average increase in expenses of 2 percent per year, the Public Water and Wastewater Engineering Review program projects that fees will need to be increased by 40 percent to cover the department's actual costs through 2027.  Using this time frame allows the department to budget and plan for future needs and provides long-term predictability for the regulated community.  The proposed fee increase used an average 40 percent increase per component, to the next five or ten cent or dollar increment.  Approximately 400 public water and wastewater applications per year will be affected by these fee increases, resulting in a cumulative increase of approximately $242,758 per year.  The department consulted with a broad representation of stakeholders, including developers, consultants, engineers, and others in the regulated community, and has received no negative feedback regarding these proposed fee increases.


            4.  The proposed new rule provides as follows:


            NEW RULE I  CERTIFYING AUTHORITY UNDER 76-4-127, MCA  (1)  A county water and/or sewer district is eligible to be a certifying authority under 76-4-127, MCA, if the district:

(a)  is incorporated under Title 7, chapter 13, MCA;

           (b)  is in compliance with Title 75, chapters 5 and 6, MCA;

(c)  is within a jurisdictional area covered by a growth policy pursuant to Title 76, chapter 1, MCA;

(d)  has an on-staff or retained professional engineer to certify compliance with department design standards for water, wastewater, and storm water facilities; and

(e)  has a utility master plan approved by the department within the past 10 years that addresses capacity of the water and wastewater systems to serve additional development in compliance with department design circulars.

(2)  A municipality is eligible to be a certifying authority under 76-4-127, MCA, if the municipality:

(a)  is in compliance with Title 75, chapters 5 and 6, MCA;

(b)  is a first or second class municipality or is within a jurisdictional area covered by a growth policy pursuant to Title 76, chapter 1, MCA; and

(c)  has an on-staff or retained professional engineer to certify compliance with department design standards for water, wastewater, and storm water facilities.


            AUTH:  76-4-104, MCA

            IMP:  76-4-104, 76-4-125, 76-4-127, MCA


            REASONUnder 76-4-125 and 76-4-127, MCA, a subdivision may be exempt from department review if a certifying authority certifies that the subdivision will have adequate storm water drainage and that the subdivision will be served by adequate water and wastewater facilities.  Before 2019, this exemption was available to a subdivider only if the governing body of certain municipalities certified that the subdivision would be served by adequate municipal facilities.  In 2019, the Legislature enacted HB 55, which, among other things, expanded the exemption to include county water and/or sewer districts and removed the statutory eligibility criteria for municipalities.  HB 55 directed the department to adopt eligibility requirements for municipalities and county water and/or sewer districts to qualify as a certifying authority under 76-4-127, MCA.

The department proposes New Rule I to comply with HB 55.  Section (1) of New Rule I provides the eligibility requirements for county water and/or sewer districts, while (2) provides the eligibility requirements for municipalities.

Sections (1)(a) and (1)(b) require county water and/or sewer districts to be incorporated under Title 7, chapter 13, MCA, and to be in compliance with Title 75, chapters 5 and 6, MCA.  These requirements are necessary to be consistent with the statutory definition of "adequate county water and/or sewer district facilities" in 76-4-102, MCA.

Section (1)(c) requires the county water and/or sewer district to be within a jurisdictional area covered by a growth policy pursuant to Title 76, chapter 1, MCA.  This requirement ensures that county water and sewer districts have planned for future development and have already evaluated their water, wastewater, and storm water needs, making additional oversite by the department unnecessary.

Section (1)(d) requires the county water and/or sewer district to have an on-staff or retained professional engineer to certify compliance with department design standards for water, wastewater, and storm water facilities.  Because the exemption will allow a subdivision to avoid department subdivision review, professional engineering certification is necessary to ensure that the county water and/or sewer district is familiar with department minimum design standards for those facilities.

Section (1)(e) requires the county water and/or sewer district to have a utility master plan approved by the department within the past ten years that addresses capacity of the water and wastewater system to serve additional development in compliance with department design circulars.  A utility master plan is a planning and engineering tool that provides a road map to ensure that water and wastewater facilities can reliably and efficiently serve the current and future needs of the county water and/or sewer district.  The plan must include current demands on the facilities, proposed future demands, and an evaluation of the facilities' capacity to serve future additional demands when using this exemption. 

The department considered adopting a minimum population threshold as the basis for determining county water and/or sewer district eligibility.  The department rejected this approach because a population threshold would eliminate some smaller districts that have adequately planned for future utility service while allowing other districts that may not have done so.

Section (2)(a) requires municipalities to be in compliance with Title 75, chapters 5 and 6, MCA.  This requirement is necessary to be consistent with the statutory definition of "adequate municipal facilities" in 76-4-102, MCA.

Section (2)(b) requires municipalities to be a first or second class municipality or to be within a jurisdictional area covered by a growth policy pursuant to Title 76, chapter 1, MCA, in order to be a certifying authority.  First and second class municipalities generally have adequately planned for future development, making additional department oversite unnecessary.  Municipalities with a growth policy also have planned for future development, including their water, wastewater, and storm water facility needs, making additional oversite by the department unnecessary.

Section (2)(c) requires a municipality to have an on-staff or retained professional engineer to certify compliance with department design standards for water, wastewater, and storm water facilities.  Because the exemption will allow a subdivision to avoid department subdivision review, professional engineering certification is reasonably necessary to ensure that the municipality is familiar with department minimum design standards regarding water, wastewater, and storm water facilities.


            5.  Concerned persons may submit their data, views, or arguments, either orally or in writing, at the hearing.  Written data, views, or arguments may also be submitted to Sandy Scherer, Legal Secretary, Department of Environmental Quality, 1520 E. Sixth Avenue, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Montana 59620-0901; faxed to (406) 444-4386; or e-mailed to [email protected], no later than 5:00 p.m. September 20, 2019.  To be guaranteed consideration, mailed comments must be postmarked on or before that date.


            6.  The board and department maintain a list of interested persons who wish to receive notices of rulemaking actions proposed by this agency.  Persons who wish to have their name added to the list shall make a written request that includes the name, e-mail, and mailing address of the person to receive notices and specifies that the person wishes to receive notices regarding:  air quality; hazardous waste/waste oil; asbestos control; water/wastewater treatment plant operator certification; solid waste; junk vehicles; infectious waste; public water supply; public sewage systems regulation; hard rock (metal) mine reclamation; major facility siting; opencut mine reclamation; strip mine reclamation; subdivisions; renewable energy grants/loans; wind energy, wastewater treatment or safe drinking water revolving grants and loans; water quality; CECRA; underground/above ground storage tanks; MEPA; or general procedural rules other than MEPA.  Notices will be sent by e-mail unless a mailing preference is noted in the request.  Such written request may be mailed or delivered to Sandy Scherer, Legal Secretary, Department of Environmental Quality, 1520 E. Sixth Ave., P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Montana 59620-0901, faxed to the office at (406) 444-4386, e-mailed to Sandy Scherer at [email protected], or may be made by completing a request form at any rules hearing held by the board or department.


            7.  Sarah Clerget, attorney for the board, or another attorney for the Agency Legal Services Bureau, has been designated to preside over and conduct the hearing.


            8.  The bill sponsor contact requirements of 2-4-302, MCA, does apply.  The sponsor was notified via regular mail on May 29, 2019.


            9.  With regard to the requirements of 2-4-111, MCA, the board and the department have determined that the amendment and adoption of the above-referenced rules will significantly and directly impact small businesses.


            10.  These rules will become effective January 1, 2020.



Reviewed by:                                                BOARD OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW


/s/ Edward Hayes                                BY:  /s/ Christine Deveny                                    

EDWARD HAYES                                       CHRISTINE DEVENY

Rule Reviewer                                             Chair


                                                                        DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL



                                                               BY:  /s/ Shaun McGrath                                      

                                                                      SHAUN McGRATH



            Certified to the Secretary of State, August 13, 2019.

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