BEFORE THE Department of Public
health and human services of the
In the matter of the amendment of ARM 37.108.507 pertaining to healthcare effectiveness data and information set (HEDIS) measures | ) ) ) ) | NOTICE OF AMENDMENT |
TO: All Concerned Persons
1. On March 24, 2017, the Department of Public Health and Human Services published MAR Notice No. 37-786 pertaining to the proposed amendment of the above-stated rule at page 328 of the 2017 Montana Administrative Register, Issue Number 6.
2. The department has amended the above-stated rule as proposed.
3. The department has thoroughly considered the comments and testimony received. A summary of the comments received and the department's responses are as follows:
COMMENT #1: A comment was received in favor of the department’s choice to reaffirm the commitment to quality measurement in health plans but states the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) data is inadequate for evaluation of dental managed care plans offered in Montana. The department was urged to include use of national dental quality measures to assess and compare quality in dental managed care health plans in the rule.
RESPONSE #1: The department appreciates the suggestions offered but they are not within the scope of the rule.
4. The department intends to apply the amendment of this rule retroactively to January 1, 2017. A retroactive application of the amendment does not result in a negative impact to any affected party.
/s/ Flint Murfitt /s/ Sheila Hogan
Flint Murfitt, Attorney Sheila Hogan, Director
Rule Reviewer Public Health and Human Services
Certified to the Secretary of State May 1, 2017.