In the matter of the adoption��������������������������� �)
of New Rule I, amendment of������������������������� ��) NOTICE OF ADOPTION,
ARM 10.58.102 through 10.58.104,������������� ��) AMENDMENT, AND REPEAL
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10.58.701, and 10.58.704, rules relating������� )
to educator preparation programs������������������ )
TO: All Concerned Persons
1. On October 5, 2006, the Board of Public Education published MAR Notice No. 10-58-241 regarding the public hearing on the proposed adoption, amendment, and repeal of the above-stated rules at page 2198 of the 2006 Montana Administrative Register, Issue Number 19.
2. After consideration of the comments received, the Board of Public Education has adopted new RULE I, ARM 10.58.705 with the following changes, stricken matter interlined, new matter underlined:
COMMENT 1: Joanne Erickson from Montana State University and William McCaw from the University of Montana requested that the order of the entities named in the title of the rule be changed. Ms. Erickson and Mr. McCaw further recommended that (b) be deleted because those concepts are addressed in (1)(a).
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Ms. Erickson and Mr. McCaw for their comments and has amended the rule accordingly.
COMMENT 2: Darrell Rud of School Administrators of Montana recommended that specific language be added to the last paragraph to provide a more common experience for interns. Mr. Rud further recommends that the New Rule be strengthened in the following areas: (1) the role of instructional leadership needs, (2) shared leadership needs, and (3) support for first year administrators and the role of mentorship.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Mr. Rud for his comments. In consultation with the Professional Educator Preparation Program Standards (PEPPS) New Rule Committee and the Office of Public Instruction, the board agrees with Mr. Rud that these specific content topics are important to the preparation of superintendents, principals, supervisors, and curriculum directors. Instructional leadership and shared leadership are embedded within the standards and greater detail and guidance will be included in the PEPPS procedures and resource manual.
The Board of Public Education, in response to Mr. Rud's third item, support for first year administrators and the role of mentorship, believes that professional development and mentorship for first year administrators and school leaders is outside the purview of the professional education units. Under the current rules, mentorship and professional support for first year administrators and school leaders is the responsibility of the local school district and the professional education associations.
(1) and (1)(a) remain as proposed.
(b) demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
(i) develop a vision;
(ii) articulate a vision;
(iii) implement a vision;
(iv) steward a vision; and
(v) promote community involvement in the vision;
(c) through (g) remain as proposed but are renumbered (b) through (f).
(h) (g) complete an internship/field experience that provides at least 216 hours of significant opportunities to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and develop the skills identified in this rule through substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and properly administratively endorsed school district personnel for graduate credit.
3. The Board of Public Education has amended ARM 10.58.102, 10.58.103, 10.58.104, 10.58.210, 10.58.305, 10.58.306, 10.58.309, 10.58.505, 10.58.507, 10.58.512, 10.58.513, 10.58.514, 10.58.515, 10.58.516, 10.58.517, 10.58.520, 10.58.521, 10.58.524, 10.58.525, 10.58.526, 10.58.527, 10.58.601, 10.58.602, 10.58.603, 10.58.707, 10.58.801, and 10.58.802, as proposed.
4. After consideration of the comments received, the Board of Public Education has amended the following rules as proposed with the following changes, stricken matter interlined, new matter underlined:
COMMENT 3: Eric Feaver, President, of MEA-MFT commented on ARM 10.58.304 and recommended that teacher candidates and candidates for other professions have specific knowledge of Montana school governance, funding, and collective bargaining.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Mr. Feaver for his comment and has amended the rule accordingly.
�COMMENT 4: Carol Juneau, President, of the Montana Indian Education Association recommends teacher candidates and candidates for other professional school roles demonstrate an understanding of the effects of concentrated generational poverty and its effects on academic achievement.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Ms. Juneau for her comments and has amended the rule as suggested.
(1) through (1)(h) remain as proposed.
(i) Teacher candidates have a working, demonstrable knowledge of Montana school governance, funding, and collective bargaining.
(j) Candidates for other professional school roles have a working, demonstrable knowledge of Montana school governance, funding, and collective bargaining.
(k) Teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the effects of concentrated generational poverty on student academic achievement.
(l) Candidates for other professional school roles demonstrate an understanding of the effects of concentrated generational poverty on student academic achievement.
COMMENT 5: The PEPPS New Rule Committee states that the intent of Indian Education for All is to address Montana American Indians, therefore they recommend that "Montana" be inserted before "American Indian people" in ARM 10.58.307(1) and 10.58.502(2)(c).
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education concurs with the committee's comment and has amended the rules accordingly.
10.58.307 DIVERSITY (1) The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and experiences for candidates to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. The unit explicitly recognizes the importance of implementing 20-1-501, MCA, by providing experiences that ensure that all school personnel have an understanding and awareness of Indian tribes to help them relate effectively with Indian students and parents, and an understanding of, and appreciation for, the Montana American Indian people. These experiences include working with diverse higher education and school faculty, diverse candidates, and diverse students in K-12 schools.
(a) through (d) remain as proposed.
COMMENT 6: Salish Kootenai College education faculty recommend the addition of "are pursuing" before "doctorates" in ARM 10.58.308(1)(a).
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks the Salish Kootenai College education faculty for their comment and has amended the rule as suggested.
(a) Professional education faculty at the institution have earned, or are pursuing doctorates or have exceptional expertise that qualifies them for their assignments. School faculty are licensed in the fields that they teach or supervise, but often do not hold the doctorate. Clinical faculty from higher education have contemporary professional experiences in school settings at the levels that they supervise.
(b) through (g) remain as proposed.
COMMENT 7: Eric Feaver, President, of MEA-MFT recommends that the title to ARM 10.58.501 be changed to "Montana Cultures and History."
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Mr. Feaver for his comment. Montana cultures and history are embedded within ARM 10.58.501 General Requirements. However, the standard includes additional requirements for content knowledge, assessment skills, etc; therefore, the title remains General Requirements.
COMMENT 8: The Salish Kootenai College faculty recommend that ARM 10.58.501(1)(d) be amended to better address diverse learners within Montana American Indian cultures as well as across cultures.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks the Salish Kootenai College faculty for their comment and has amended the rule as suggested.
10.58.501 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (1) through (1)(c) remain as proposed.
(d) demonstrate knowledge of how students, within different populations, including Montana American Indians, differ in their approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners, including American Indian learners;
(e) through (m) remain as proposed.
10.58.502 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION (1) through (2)(b) remain as proposed.
(c) demonstrate competence in the development of a comprehensive instructional program based on identified agriculture industry demographic and technological advances, including Montana American Indian agricultural contributions, while recognizing the social, economic, and demographic diversity of the community in conjunction with a partnership of students, community, business, industry, tribes, families, and an appointed advisory committee;
(d) through (h) remain as proposed.
COMMENT 9: The Salish and Kootenai College faculty recommend that ARM 10.58.503(1)(b) and (1)(e)(i) be amended for clarification purposes.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks the Salish Kootenai College faculty for their comment and has amended the rule as suggested.
10.58.503 ART K-12 (1) through (1)(a)(iv) remain as proposed.
(b) use technology as a tool appropriate technologies as tools of expression, research, and assessment;
(c) through (e) remain as proposed.
(i) the stages of graphic development as it these relates to art curriculum, and ensuring that the scope and sequence of the curriculum is age appropriate;
(ii) through (h) remain as proposed.
COMMENT 10: The Salish Kootenai College faculty recommend that ARM 10.58.508(1)(c)(i), (ii), and (iv) be amended for consistency and clarification purposes.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks the Salish Kootenai College faculty for their comment and has amended the rule as suggested.
10.58.508 ELEMENTARY (1) through (1)(c) remain as proposed.
(i) demonstrate their understanding of how students, within different populations, including Montana American Indians, differ in their development and approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners;
(ii) demonstrate their understanding of and use a variety of teaching routines and strategies that encourage students' development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills, including the appropriate use of current and emerging technologies;
(iii) remains as proposed.
(iv) apply knowledge and understanding of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media electronic communication techniques to develop inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction;
(d) remains as proposed.
COMMENT 11: The Salish Kootenai College faculty recommend that ARM 10.58.509(1)(f) and (2)(c) and (e) be amended to more specifically reflect current research in teaching reading.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks the Salish Kootenai College faculty for their comment and has amended the rule as suggested.
10.58.509 ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS (1) through (1)(e) remain as proposed.
(f) demonstrate understanding of legal and ethical issues in English/ language arts such as freedom of expression, and censorship, and bias in literature.
(2) through (2)(b) remain as proposed.
(c) knowledge of and skills in the use of reading processes, (e.g., phonemic awareness, word identification and phonics, vocabulary and background knowledge, fluency, comprehension strategies, and motivation);
(d) remains as proposed.
(e) knowledge of and skills in using an extensive range of literature, including works by and about Montana American Indians;
(f) through (h) remain as proposed.
COMMENT 12: Mary Susan Fishbaugh, Dean of the College of Education, Montana State University-Billings and Linda Reiten, Professor, Education Department of the University of Montana-Western, recommend that the catchphrase for ARM 10.58.510 remain "Students with Disabilities." They also recommend an additional standard to address behavior management.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Ms. Fishbaugh and Ms. Reiten for their comments and has amended the rule as suggested.
10.58.510 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN K-12 (1) through (1)(i) remain as proposed.
(j) demonstrate understanding of personal, cultural, and socioeconomic biases and how teaching style differences affect one's teaching; and
(k) demonstrate understanding of ethical and professional practices; and
(l) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of psychological perspectives, applicable laws and regulations, procedural safeguards, ethical concerns, and appropriate instructional strategies, practices, and techniques to support students with challenging behaviors.
COMMENT 13: Tomas Graman of the Carroll College Spanish Department recommends that ARM 10.58.511 be amended to better reflect current research in teaching a second language.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Mr. Graman for his comment and has amended the rule as suggested.
10.58.511 WORLD LANGUAGES (1) remains as proposed.
(a) demonstrate knowledge of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, second-language acquisition, and other aspects of grammar and composition, linguistics (applied to the specific language or applied to second language study as a whole), literature, and culture;
(b) through (e) remain as proposed.
(f) demonstrate a working social and professional competence in cultural skills (reflecting the international character of present-day social, political, and economic ties among countries);
(g) remains as proposed.
(h) demonstrate understanding of language as an essential element of culture, of the principal ways in which the second target language culture differs from the first language culture, first-hand knowledge of literary masterpieces, and the geography, history, art, and social customs of major lands in which the language is dominant;
(i) demonstrate and apply an understanding of the differences between the phonological, grammatical, and semantic systems of the second language and those of English;
(j) and (k) remain as proposed.
(l) demonstrate knowledge of language proficiency in the second target language resulting from the achievement of an appropriate score (at a specific level determined by the degree granting college or university) on an internationally recognized proficiency examination.
COMMENT 14: Rocky Mountain College and MSU-Billings Education faculties recommend that ARM 10.58.518(3)(b) be amended to address the specific content of algebra.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks the faculties of Rocky Mountain College and MSU-Billings and has amended the rule as suggested. The board has also amended (1)(f) to better represent the intent of the PEPPS rule committee.
10.58.518 MATHEMATICS (1) through (1)(e) remain as proposed.
(f) appropriately use current and emerging technology technologies as an essential tools for teaching and learning mathematics; and
(g) through (3)(a) remain as proposed.
(b) algebra by demonstrating knowledge of relationships among quantities including functions, ways of representing mathematical relationships, and the analysis of change different perspectives on algebra including ways of representing mathematical relationships and algebraic structures;
(c) through (g) remain as proposed.
COMMENT 15: Rocky Mountain Music and the University of Montana faculties recommend that ARM 10.58.519 be amended to achieve parallel structure and to ensure measurable standards.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Rocky Mountain Music and the University of Montana faculties for their comment and has amended this rule as suggested.
10.58.519 MUSIC K-12 (1) remains as proposed.
(a) are competent, proficient musicians that:
(i) demonstrate ability to advise and encourage students about higher education and career opportunities related to the study and performance of music and music related fields;
(ii) (b) demonstrate an appreciation for the role technology plays competence in the appropriate use of current and emerging technologies in contemporary music education, such as music writing programs, music theory/skills programs, keyboard/midi, and recording technology;
(iii) (c) are proficient demonstrate proficiency on keyboard and fretted instruments in order to use the instruments for demonstration and rehearsal;
(iv) through (xi) remain as proposed but are renumbered (d) through (k).
(xii) (l) analyze music aurally and visually analyze music in terms of musical elements;
(xiii) remains as proposed but is renumbered (m).
(xiv) (n) identify music stylistically identify and place music it in an historical period;
(xv) (o) demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of past and present music of Montana's cultures, especially Montana American Indian cultures, and world cultures and especially Montana American Indians;
(xvi) through (xviii) remain as proposed but are renumbered (p) through (r).
(b) through (e) remain as proposed but are renumbered (s) through (v).
(f) use effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to develop music learning;
(g) and (h) remain as proposed but are renumbered (w) and (x).
(i) (y) evaluate the effects of their choices and actions on others; and
(j) seek opportunities to grow professionally; and
(k) (z) develop understanding of relationships with colleagues, parents, and community members to support student learning.
COMMENT 16: The University of Montana-Western faculty recommended that ARM 10.58.522 be amended to clearly delineate the appropriate options for course of study for a teaching endorsement in science.
COMMENT 17: The Montana State University education faculty recommended that ARM 10.58.522(1) be amended to delete "philosophy, theory," and add "and dispositions" in the second to the last line of that section.
COMMENT 18: The Rocky Mountain College Department of Biology and Education recommends that ARM 10.58.522(4) be amended to better address the course of study for an endorsement in biology.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks the faculty from these institutions and has amended the rule as suggested.
10.58.522 SCIENCE (1) The science program ensures that successful candidates follow the subject major and/or minor program of study or the broadfield major program of study. Subject major and/or minor teaching endorsement programs are limited to biology, earth science, chemistry, and physics. The broadfield major includes a concentration in one of the endorsable disciplines, coupled with balanced study in three other endorsable science disciplines. Science disciplines selected adhere to a scope and sequence which ensures a thorough grounding in the basic philosophy, theory, concepts, and skills, and dispositions associated with Montana and national K-12 content standards.
(2) through (4) remain as proposed.
(a) conceptual understanding of in the unifying concepts and processes of biological systems: cellular order and organization, order, sensitivity, growth/ development/reproduction, energy utilization, evolutionary adaptation, and homeostasis evidence models and explanation, change constancy, measurement, evolution and equilibrium, form and function;
(b) exploration and inquiry learning as tools in investigating all aspects of the natural environment and knows experimental design and how to apply and teach these methods when instructing students;
(c) conceptual understanding of living organisms, ethical laboratory and field studies promoting investigation scientific inquiry, applications of biology in social and historical perspectives, and the use of experimental methods;
(d) conceptual understanding of course work in the diversity of life including zoology, botany, physiology, genetics, ecology, and microbiology, cell biology/biochemistry, and evolution, and their relationships with each other, including the processes and diversity of life encompassing the subdisciplines and noting the interrelationships of physiology, genetics, ecology, and evolution;
(e) remains as proposed.
(f) conceptual understanding of two out of three areas of physics, chemistry, or earth science emphasizing the interrelationships among the sciences;
(g) through (7)(l) remain as proposed.
COMMENT 19: Bryce Carpenter of the Department of Education at Montana State University recommends that ARM 10.58.523(1) be amended to define concentration in history and government by requiring a specified number and level of courses.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Mr. Carpenter. The standards are intended to provide professional education units broad guidance to establish their programs of study. Such specificity and detail will be provided by the individual professional education unit. Additional guidance will be included in the PEPPS procedures and resource manual.
COMMENT 20: Jean Luckowski of the School of Education at the University of Montana recommends that ARM 10.58.523(2) be amended to better align with the National Council for the Social Studies Standards for teacher preparation.
COMMENT 21: Bryce Carpenter of the Department of Education at Montana State University recommends that ARM 10.58.523(5) be amended to provide current terminology to the standard.
COMMENT 22: Barbara Vail, Chairperson of the Education Department at Rocky Mountain College recommends that ARM 10.58.523(7)(b) be amended to provide parallel language to the standard.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Ms. Luckowski, Ms. Vail, and Mr. Carpenter for their comments and has amended the rule as suggested.
10.58.523 SOCIAL STUDIES (1) and (2) remain as proposed.
(a) demonstrate a thorough understanding of inquiry-based learning across the social studies;
(b) demonstrate understanding of and ability to integrate into curriculum knowledge of the history, cultural heritage, and contemporary status of American Indians and tribes in Montana;
(c) demonstrate knowledge and skills in the methods of guided and facilitated learning in order to interpret and communicate social studies concepts and research to others;
(d) apply instructional strategies which model learning environments with extended time, appropriate space, resources, and emerging technology found in the contemporary secondary classroom;
(e) demonstrate knowledge of formative and summative assessment techniques that model a variety of authentic and equitable assessment strategies to ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and personal development of the learner in all aspects of social studies;
(f) apply and evaluate models of interdisciplinary approaches to provide experiences in understanding social studies; and
(g) articulate a well-defined rationale for instructional goals, materials, and actions in relation to state and national social studies standards and student achievement.
(a) demonstrate knowledge of the purposes of social studies, how to select content appropriate to those purposes, and how to assess student learning in terms of social studies goals;
(b) demonstrate knowledge of and ability to plan instruction based on state and national social studies curriculum standards;
(c) demonstrate ability to select and integrate the content and methods of investigation of history and the social science disciplines for use in social studies instruction;
(d) demonstrate knowledge of and ability to plan instruction on the history, cultural heritage, and contemporary status of American Indians and tribes in Montana; and
(e) demonstrate ability to use a variety of approaches to instruction that are appropriate to the nature of social studies content and goals and to use them in diverse settings with students with diverse backgrounds, interests, and abilities.
(3) through (5) remain as proposed.
(a) the nature of individual dignity, human rights, (popular) sovereignty, political power, citizenship, and political authority;
(b) and (c) remain as proposed.
(d) the role of public opinion, the press, elections, interest groups, and political leaders in building compromise and policy making;
(e) through (6)(d) remain as proposed.
(e) the cultural, economic, political, scientific/technological, and social activity of humans in the analysis of contemporary issues and problems; and
(f) the history, cultural heritage, political development, and contemporary status of American Indians and tribes in Montana; and
(g) the changing role of race, gender, class, and identity in human affairs.
(7) and (7)(a) remain as proposed.
(b) the applying application of the processes of scientific inquiry and descriptive statistics to questions concerning human behavior;
(c) through (8)(c) remain as proposed.
(d) the importance of cultural diversity in contemporary society.
COMMENT 23: Rod Thronson of the Carroll College Education Department recommends that ARM 10.58.528(1)(f)(v) be amended because advanced placement course development is under the purview of advanced placement not professional education units.
RESPONSE: The Board of Public Education thanks Mr. Thronson for his comment and has amended the rule as suggested.
10.58.528 COMPUTER SCIENCE (1) through (1)(f)(iv) remain as proposed.
(v) advanced placement (AP) course development and other develop online/ electronic class formats; and
(vi) and (g) remain as proposed.
5. The Board of Public Education has repealed the following rules as proposed:
ARM: 10.58.201, 10.58.202, 10.58.203, 10.58.204, 10.58.208, 10.58.409, 10.58.410, 10.58.701, and 10.58.704
��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������/s/ Patty Myers
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Patty Myers, Chairperson
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Board of Public Education
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������/s/ Steve Meloy
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Steve Meloy, Executive Secretary
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Rule Reviewer
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Board of Public Education
Certified to the Secretary of State January 29, 2007.