In the matter of the adoption of New Rule I through New Rule XII, amendment of ARM 10.54.4010 through 10.54.4013, 10.54.4020 through 10.54.4023, 10.54.4030 through 10.54.4033, and 10.54.4040 through 10.54.4043, and repeal of ARM 10.54.4050 through 10.54.4053, 10.54.4060 through 10.54.4063, 10.54.4070 through 10.54.4073, and 10.54.4087 through 10.54.4098 pertaining to math content standards and performance descriptors |
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TO: All Concerned Persons
1. On May 28, 2009 the Board of Public Education published MAR Notice No. 10-54-249 pertaining to the public hearing on the proposed adoption, amendment, and repeal of the above-stated rules at page 767 of the 2009 Montana Administrative Register, Issue Number 10.
2. A public hearing was held on June 22, 2009. No comments were received during the comment period. The Office of Public Instruction advised the board at its July 17, 2009 meeting that language relating to Montana American Indians had been inadvertently omitted from the suggested amendments to the above-stated rules and recommended amending the rules to ensure that the math standards include references to Montana American Indian culture. The board voted to extend the comment period for 30 days. The board will accept comments on the amendments to these rules until 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2009.
3. The Board of Public Education will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this rulemaking process or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Board of Public Education no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 14, 2009 to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need. Please contact Steve Meloy, Executive Secretary of the Board of Public Education, P.O. Box 200601, Helena, MT 59620-0601, telephone: (406) 444-6576, FAX: (406) 444-0847, e-mail: [email protected].
4. The board proposes that the following rules be further amended as follows:
10.54.4010 MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 1 (1) To satisfy the requirements of mathematics content standard 1, a student, applying reasoning and problem solving, will use number sense and operations to represent numbers in multiple ways, understand relationships among numbers and number systems, make reasonable estimates, and compute fluently within a variety of relevant cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians.
10.54.4011 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 1 FOR END OF GRADE 4 (1) through (1)(d) remain as proposed.
(e) select and apply appropriate standard units and tools to measure length, time, and temperature within relevant scientific and cultural situations, including those of Montana American Indians.
10.54.4012 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 1 FOR END OF GRADE 8 (1) through (1)(d) remain as proposed.
(e) use metric and standard units of measurement in relevant scientific and cultural situations, including those of Montana American Indians, compare and convert within systems, and use appropriate technology; and
(f) remains as proposed.
10.54.4013 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 1 UPON GRADUATION (1) through (1)(d) remain as proposed.
(e) identify givens and unknowns in familiar and unfamiliar situations (e.g., finance, culture, including Montana American Indians, and nature) and describe relationships between variables.
10.54.4020 MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 2 (1) To satisfy the requirements of mathematics content standard 2, a student, applying reasoning and problem solving, will use data representation and analysis, simulations, probability statistics, and statistical methods to evaluate information and make informed decisions within a variety of relevant cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians.
10.54.4021 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 2 FOR END OF GRADE 4 (1) and (1)(a) remain as proposed.
(b) solve problems and make decisions using data descriptors such as minimum, maximum, median, and mode within scientific and cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians when relevant; and
(c) describe events from multicultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians, as likely or unlikely and discuss the degree of likelihood using words such as certain, equally likely, and impossible.
(a) collect data from a variety of contexts (e.g., science, history, and culture, including Montana American Indians); and organize and represent data in box plots, scatter plots, histograms, and circle graphs using technology when appropriate;
(b) interpret, analyze, and evaluate data using mean, median, range, and quartiles to identify trends and make decisions and predictions about data within scientific and cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians when relevant; and
(c) create sample spaces and simulations from events found in different cultures, including Montana American Indians, determine experimental and theoretical probabilities, and use probability to make predictions.
10.54.4023 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 2 UPON GRADUATION (1) through (1)(b) remain as proposed.
(c) make, evaluate, and justify decisions based on probabilities in multicultural problem situations, including those of Montana American Indians (e.g., finding expected value and using rules of probability);
(d) and (e) remain as proposed.
10.54.4030 MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 3 (1) To satisfy the requirements of mathematics content standard 3, a student, applying reasoning and problem solving, will understand geometric properties, spatial relationships, and transformation of shapes, and will use spatial reasoning and geometric models to analyze mathematical situations within a variety of relevant cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians.
10.54.4031 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 3 FOR END OF GRADE 4 (1) through (1)(b) remain as proposed.
(c) use spatial reasoning to identify slides and flips of congruent figures within cultural artistic and artistic cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians;
(d) and (e) remain as proposed.
10.54.4032 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 3 FOR END OF GRADE 8 (1) and (1)(a) remain as proposed.
(b) use spatial reasoning to determine congruence, similarity, and symmetry of objects in mathematics, art, science, and culture, including Montana American Indians;
(c) through (e) remain as proposed.
10.54.4033 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 3 UPON GRADUATION (1) and (1)(a) remain as proposed.
(b) use spatial reasoning and geometric models to solve problems with and without technology in the contexts of art, science, and culture, including Montana American Indians;
(c) through (e) remain as proposed.
10.54.4040 MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 4 (1) To satisfy the requirements of mathematics content standard 4, a student, applying reasoning and problem solving, will use algebraic concepts and procedures to understand processes involving number, operation, and variables and will use procedures and function concepts to model the quantitative and functional relationships that describe change within a variety of relevant cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians.
10.54.4041 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 4 FOR END OF GRADE 4 (1) through (1)(d) remain as proposed.
(e) model problem situations with manipulatives or technology and use multiple representations such as words, pictures, tables, or graphs to draw conclusions using cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians when relevant.
10.54.4042 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 4 FOR END OF GRADE 8 (1) through (1)(d) remain as proposed.
(e) identify and compute rate of change/slope and intercepts from equations, graphs, and tables; model and solve contextual problems involving linear proportions or direct variation using cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians when relevant.
10.54.4043 BENCHMARK FOR MATHEMATICS CONTENT STANDARD 4 UPON GRADUATION (1) through (1)(d) remain as proposed.
(e) given data or a problem situation, select and use an appropriate function model to analyze results or make a prediction with and without technology using cultural contexts, including those of Montana American Indians when relevant.
5. Concerned persons may submit their data, views, or arguments concerning the proposed action in writing to: Steve Meloy, Executive Secretary of the Board of Public Education, P.O. Box 200601, Helena, MT 59620-0601, telephone: (406) 444-6576, FAX: (406) 444-0847, e-mail: [email protected] and must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., August 31, 2009. Persons who testified at the initial hearing, or who submitted comments during the initial comment period, need not testify again or resubmit their comments. Any such previous testimony and comments will be included in the rulemaking record.
______________________________ _____________________________
Steve Meloy Patty Myers
Rule Reviewer Chairperson
Board of Public Education
Certified to the Secretary of State July 20, 2009.