38.5.2513 METER TESTS
(1) Sample Tests.
The utility shall select a sample of five percent of all of its meters in
service each year for testing the accuracy of its registration.
(2) Fast Meters. If, upon test of any
meter, the meter is found to have an average error of more than two percent
fast, the utility shall follow ARM 38.5.2505(8) to reconcile the billing error.
(3) Dead Meters. If a meter is found not to
register for any period, the utility shall compute the water used by taking the
average of the water used for the meter-reading period preceding and the
meter-reading period following the date when the meter was found to be
dead, which amount shall be assumed to be the amount of water used by the
customer during the billing period in which the meter was found dead.
Exceptions will be made to this rule if the facts clearly show that the above
method does not give the correct consumption for the
History: Sec. 69-3-102, MCA; IMP, Sec. 69-3-102, MCA; NEW, 1982 MAR p. 868, Eff. 4/30/82.