37.95.215 NUTRITION
(1) The department adopts and incorporates by reference 7 CFR 226.19 and 226.20, containing meal requirements for day care facilities participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program of the US Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. A copy of 7 CFR 226.19 and 226.20 may be obtained from the department's nutrition consultant, Department of Public Health and Human Services, Public Health and Safety Division, Food and Consumer Safety Bureau, P.O. Box 202951, Helena, MT 59620-2951.
(2) Each day care center must do the following, with the exception noted in (4) :
(a) serve meals and snacks which meet the requirements for meals contained in 7 CFR 226.19 and 226.20, including the following:
(i) Breakfast for children who are between one and 12 years old must include one serving of fruit, vegetable, or 100% fruit or vegetable juice, one serving of enriched bread or bread alternate, and one serving of fluid milk;
(ii) Lunch and supper for children who are between one and 12 years old must include one serving of meat or meat alternate, two vegetables or two fruits or one vegetable and one fruit, one serving of bread or bread alternate, and one serving of fluid milk;
(iii) Snacks for children who are between one and 12 years old must include two of the following four food components: meat or meat alternate, fruit or vegetable or 100% fruit or vegetable juice, bread or bread alternate, or fluid milk;
(iv) Serving sizes must be appropriate to the child's age as outlined in 7 CFR 226.19 and 226.20; and
(v) The specific nutritional requirements for children under one year old as outlined in 7 CFR 226.19 and 226.20 must be followed;
(b) serve meals and snacks on, at a minimum, the following schedule to children in attendance:
(i) snacks at mid-morning and mid-afternoon;
(ii) lunch; and
(iii) breakfast, before 9:00 am, or supper if a child is being cared for in the center at the normal time for those meals and has not otherwise received them;
(c) ensure that each bottle-fed infant from newborn to one year of age is held upright during bottle feedings until the child is able to hold the bottle, and that bottles are not propped;
(d) for each child with nutritional therapeutic needs, request and carefully follow special dietary instructions, in writing, from either the child's parent or guardian, or a physician or registered dietitian, if the parent/guardian fails to or cannot provide such instructions. Food brought from home for special dietary purposes must be carefully labeled with the child's name;
(e) plan menus at least two weeks in advance, date and post the menus where parents/guardians can see them, and serve meals and snacks in accordance with the posted menus, with the exception that a menu change may be made so long as it is posted before parents arrive to check in children on the date of service;
(f) provide supervision to children while they eat and assist the children to eat, if necessary;
(g) offer drinking water at regular intervals to infants and toddlers and ensure that drinking water is freely available to all children; and
(h) keep on file at the day care center written menu records and special dietary instructions for infants and children for one year following the date of the meal service.
(3) If a day care center does not participate in the department's child care food program, the center must do the following in addition to meeting the requirements contained in (2) :
(a) obtain guidance materials from the department about child care food program meal requirements and adhere to the recommendations therein; and
(b) within one year after it begins operation, and once annually thereafter, ensure that a registered dietitian evaluates the nutritional adequacy of its meals and their compliance with this rule, and that the dietician makes a written report, to be retained on file at the day care center, containing the following information, with a copy to the department:
(i) findings and recommendations pertaining to the nutritional adequacy of food served to the children;
(ii) an assessment of management of meals, and any infant or therapeutic diets;
(iii) date of the evaluation; and
(iv) evaluator's signature and dietitian registration number.
(4) If a parent sends food with a child for consumption at the day care center, the center need not provide meals or snacks for the child to the extent that food is provided by the parent for that meal or snack, but is required to do the following:
(a) provide the child with a meal or snack meeting the requirements of (2) whenever the parent has not provided food for that meal or snack;
(b) post a copy of the meal requirements referred to in (2) (a) in an area where it will be readily seen by parents; and
(c) at least annually, provide each parent who has ever sent food to the center for consumption by a child a copy of the meal requirements referred to in (2) (a) .
History: 52-2-704, 52-2-735, 53-4-506, MCA; IMP, 52-2-704, 52-2-723, 52-2-731, 52-2-735, 53-4-506, MCA; NEW, 1982 MAR p. 1119, Eff. 5/28/82; AMD, 1995 MAR p. 473, Eff. 3/31/95; TRANS, from DHES, 1998 MAR p. 2881; AMD, 2006 MAR p. 1424, Eff. 6/2/06.