(1) Upon request by either parent made in accordance with the requirements of 50-15-209, MCA, and this rule, the department will issue a certificate of nonviable birth.
(2) All requests for issuance of a certificate of nonviable birth must be made by completing the department's Application for Certificate of Nonviable Birth (version 1.0) form, which the department adopts and incorporates by reference. The form is available electronically at www.dphhs.mt.gov/vitalrecords/vitalrecordsforms or by contacting the Office of Vital Records at P.O. Box 4210, Helena, MT, 59604, 406-444-2685.
History: 50-15-209, MCA; IMP, 50-15-209, MCA; NEW, 2024 MAR p. 335, Eff. 2/24/24.