(1) An advanced program is required to designate a single administrative unit for assuring the quality of post-baccalaureate programs in education. The administrative unit:
(a) establishes appropriate governance and committee structures;
(b) adheres to the conceptual framework which is unified, specific, widely understood, and generally accessible;
(c) establishes clear operating systems for communication, cooperation, and program coordination within institutions;
(d) provides information about program objectives, unique and cooperative provisions, and program evaluation; and
(e) makes information and data on program evaluation accessible.
(2) Those professional education units offering both undergraduate and graduate programs shall be consistent in the programs' philosophy, principles, and objectives.
(3) The professional education unit shall be responsible for designing programs that meet the professional educator program standards and the guidelines of its governing board.
(4) The Board of Public Education is authorized to establish program and unit standards procedures for educator licensure and endorsement.
(5) All advanced programs shall include the following:
(a) publication of specific program objectives and course of study outlines that show how those objectives can be achieved. When two or more related objectives are served within one broad program, the provisions for achieving each shall be made clear;
(b) maintenance of quality and depth of scholarship appropriate to the program objectives;
(c) breadth of coverage that enables the preparing teacher to develop supporting and related skills and insights in addition to a major emphasis;
(d) support from adequate staff, equipment, special facilities, including library, and any other general institutional support that maximizes the quality of each program;
(e) supervised practical experience in curricula designed to develop initial competence in teaching or in an area of education specialization. This program shall develop skill in and serve as a basis for evaluating the preparing teacher's performance and recommending appropriate licensure and/or master's degree. Adequate time for both on-and off-campus experiences shall be provided to permit adaptation to individual student backgrounds and objectives; and
(f) clear processes for evaluating and recommending graduate students (with reference to their special competencies in terms of specific program objectives) for licensure.
(6) The institutions' operating controls shall guarantee the integrity of each program and shall include:
(a) an advisory system for advanced study programs which:
(i) reflects attention to individual student potential;
(ii) uses all instructional resources; and
(iii) recognizes the rapid growth of knowledge;
(b) selective admission and retention procedures to maintain quality students in each program;
(c) student evaluation and degree requirements to support the admission and selective retention procedures as well as maintain harmony with program objectives that are beyond general institutional requirements;
(d) program evaluation procedures to assure continued professional appraisal and improvement;
(e) residence requirements academically appropriate to the applicable program objectives; and
(f) internal provisions to give evidence of harmony between objectives and prerequisites, to the effect that they form a consistent and interrelated whole.