(1) Faculty are qualified and model best professional practices in scholarship, service, and teaching, including the assessment of their own effectiveness as related to candidate performance; they also collaborate with colleagues in the disciplines and schools. The unit systematically evaluates faculty performance and facilitates professional development.
(a) Professional education faculty at the institution have earned, or are pursuing doctorates or have exceptional expertise that qualifies them for their assignments. School faculty are licensed in the fields that they teach or supervise, but often do not hold the doctorate. Clinical faculty from higher education have contemporary professional experiences in school settings at the levels that they supervise.
(b) Faculties have a thorough understanding of the content they teach. Teaching by professional education faculty reflects the unit's conceptual framework and their research, theories, and current developments in their fields and teaching. Faculty value candidates' learning and assess candidate performance. Their teaching encourages candidates' development of reflection, critical thinking, problem solving, and professional dispositions. Faculty use a variety of instructional strategies that reflect an understanding of different learning styles. They integrate diversity and technology throughout their teaching. They assess their own effectiveness as teachers, including the positive effects they have on candidates' learning and performance.
(c) Professional education faculty demonstrate scholarly work in their fields of specialization, including where appropriate, scholarly work related to the education of Montana American Indians. They are engaged in different types of scholarly work, based in part, on the missions of their institutions.
(d) Professional education faculty provide service to the college or university, school, and broader communities in ways that are consistent with the institution and unit's mission. They are actively involved with the professional world of practice in P-12 schools. They are actively involved in professional associations. They provide education-related services at the local, state, national, or international levels.
(e) Professional education faculty collaborate regularly and systematically with colleagues in P-12 settings, faculty in other college or university units, and members of the broader professional community to improve teaching, candidate learning, and the preparation of educators.
(f) The unit conducts systematic and comprehensive evaluations of faculty teaching performance to enhance the competence and intellectual vitality of the professional education faculty. Evaluations of professional education faculty are used to improve teaching, scholarship, and service of the unit faculty.
(g) Based upon needs identified in faculty evaluations, the unit provides opportunities for faculty to develop new knowledge and skills, especially as they relate to conceptual framework(s) and performance assessments.