(1) Each unit shall operate from the basis of a well-defined conceptual framework(s). A conceptual framework(s) establishes the shared vision for a unit's efforts in preparing educators to work in P-12 schools. It provides direction for programs, courses, teaching, candidate performance, scholarship, service, and unit accountability. The conceptual framework(s) distinguishes among the graduates of one institution from those of another.
(a) Faculty members in the unit are expected to collaborate with members of their professional community in developing a conceptual framework(s) that establishes the vision for the unit and its programs. At its discretion, the unit may operate with a single framework for all programs or a different framework for each or some of its programs.
(b) The conceptual framework(s) provides the basis for coherence among curriculum, instruction, field experiences, clinical practice, assessment, and evaluation.
(c) It makes explicit the professional commitments and dispositions that support it, including the commitment to acquire and use knowledge on behalf of P-12 students.
(d) It reflects the unit's commitment to diversity, including the unit's commitment to serving American Indians and implementing Indian Education for All, 20-1-501, MCA, and the preparation of educators who help all students learn.
(e) It reflects the unit's commitment to the integration of technology to enhance candidate and student learning.
(f) The conceptual framework(s) also provides a context for aligning professional and state standards with candidate proficiencies expected by the unit and programs for the preparation of educators.
(g) The conceptual framework shall incorporate 20-25-104 and 20-25-603, MCA, and address additional Montana state statutes as required.
(2) The conceptual framework(s) provides the following structural elements:
(a) the mission of the institution and unit;
(b) the unit's philosophy, purposes, professional commitments, and dispositions;
(c) knowledge bases including theories, research, the wisdom of practice, and education policies;
(d) performance expectations for candidates, aligning them with professional, state, and institutional standards; and
(e) the system by which candidate performance is regularly assessed.