(1) A teacher, specialist or administrator may surrender his/her license to the superintendent of public instruction. The superintendent of public instruction, upon review, may accept or reject the license surrender.
(2) Surrender of a license to the superintendent of public instruction does not relieve the reporting requirements set forth in 20-4-110, MCA.
(3) The superintendent of public instruction may investigate further following the surrender of a teacher, specialist or administrator's license and shall maintain a record of the circumstances surrounding the surrender of any license. The contents of that record shall be available for review by the licensing authority from any other jurisdiction in which the teacher, specialist or administrator seeks licensure.
(4) Surrender of a license may prejudice the ability of teacher, specialist or administrator to successfully seek relicensure in Montana in the same or any other educational endorsement.
(5) The superintendent of public instruction shall provide notice to the board of public education of each surrender of a license and of the circumstances surrounding the surrender.