(1) Each youth shelter care facility shall have access to the services of at least one physician.
(2) Medical, dental, psychiatric, psychological care and counseling services shall be obtained for youth as needed.
(3) If a youth has not received a complete physical examination within 6 months prior to placement, the provider shall take steps to arrange for the youth to have a complete physical examination.
(4) If a youth has not had a dental examination within a year prior to placement, the provider shall take steps to arrange for the youth to have a dental examination. All necessary dental work shall be completed as needed.
(5) Provisions for treatment of diseases, remedial defects or deformities, and malnutrition shall be made by the provider immediately upon the physician's recommendation with notification to the placing agency.
(6) All medication shall be kept in their original containers in a locked place identified with the original prescription label.
(7) Administration of all medications per time of day, dosage, staff person administrating the medication and recipient of the medication shall be logged in ink. These records shall be kept in or near the locked storage area.
(8) Providers shall promptly dispose of all non-administered prescription medications.
(9) The provider shall have written policy for the administration of both prescription and nonprescription medications. The policy shall include procedures for the disposal of non-administered, expired, or discontinued medications.