(1) A child care agency shall admit only those children for whom it has an operational program and who meet its admissions policies.
(2) Each child care agency must have written admissions policies which include the following licensing requirements:
(a) Each child care agency, except maternity homes and receiving homes, shall obtain or develop a social study on the child and his family before admission.
(b) The admission person or committee shall review all information and resources and determine the appropriateness of placement, including age and developmental needs of children accepted into the program.
(c) The child care agency's policy shall provide for and encourage a pre-placement process with the child and family and may allow exceptions for emergency placements and geographical distances. The referring parties should be encouraged to assist with these arrangements.
(d) Referrals may only be accepted from parents or agencies authorized by law to place children.
(e) The admission policy shall specify the age, sex and type of children served.
(3) Each child care agency shall include plans for discharge in the child's case plan and review these plans quarterly.
(a) The discharge plans shall include recommendations to the placing agency for follow-up services to the child.
(b) When the placement has been made by the parent, the provider shall be responsible for referral for support services.
(c) The provider shall assist the child and, when appropriate, the child's family in preparing for the child's discharge from the program.