(1) There is an emergency reimbursement reduction in effect for the following provider types for Medicaid mental health services provided January 11, 2002 through June 30, 2002:
(a) psychiatrists;
(b) psychologists;
(c) licensed social workers; and
(d) licensed professional counselors.
(2) The fee reduction will apply to the provider types listed in this rule both in private practice as well as those providing services through a licensed mental health center.
(3) The net pay reimbursement for provider types listed in this rule will be 2.6% less than the amount provided in ARM 37.85.212, 37.86.105, 37.88.206, 37.88.306, and 37.88.606.
(a) For purposes of this rule, "net pay reimbursement" means the allowed amount minus third party liability payments, copayments, coinsurance, incurments, and other deductions.
(4) If there are sufficient funds available as a result of these reductions at the end of state fiscal year 2002, the providers of services affected by this rule may be eligible for a rebate.
(5) If a rebate is to occur, the department will define a process for calculating and issuing the rebate.