(1) Applicants determined by the department to be eligible for medicaid through a medicaid determination process are not eligible to receive CHIP benefits.
(2) Applicants determined by the department to be potentially eligible for medicaid during the CHIP eligibility determination process will be referred to their local office of public assistance for a determination of medicaid eligibility.
(3) Applicants who are themselves eligible or who have a parent who is eligible for state employee insurance benefits are not eligible for CHIP.
(4) Applicants who apply for CHIP benefits while they are patients in an institution for mental disease (IMD) shall not be enrolled in CHIP until they are discharged from the IMD. A CHIP enrollee who becomes a patient in an IMD shall not lose CHIP benefits solely because the enrollee is a patient in an IMD.
(5) Applicants who are incarcerated cannot be enrolled in CHIP.
(6) Applicants who are not eligible for CHIP benefits because their family income exceeds the CHIP income guideline for the family size will be referred to other health care programs for children, as appropriate.