(1) The Board of Public Education adopts standards of accreditation upon the recommendation of the state Superintendent of Public Instruction.
(2) The board and the Office of Public Instruction establish procedures and schedules for reviewing the accreditation status of each school.
(3) To ensure continuous education improvement, the school district shall develop, implement, evaluate, and revise a five-year comprehensive education plan.
(a) This plan shall include:
(i) a school district level education profile as described in guidance provided periodically by the Office of Public Instruction;
(ii) the school district's educational goals in accordance with ARM 10.55.701;
(iii) a description of planned progress toward implementing all content, performance, and program area standards, in accordance with the schedule in ARM 10.55.603;
(iv) a description of strategies for assessing student progress toward meeting all content and performance standards, in accordance with ARM 10.55.603; and
(v) a professional development component, in accordance with ARM 10.55.714.
(b) By May 1, 2003, the district trustees shall file their adopted five-year comprehensive education plan with the Office of Public Instruction and make their plan available to employees and the public.
(c) The Office of Public Instruction shall develop and implement procedures necessary to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of each school district's comprehensive education plan.
(4) To ensure continuous educational improvement and to meet the identified needs of students in every school, every school in the district shall develop and have on file in the district office a comprehensive education plan.
(5) To ensure continuous educational improvement, the Office of Public Instruction shall provide guidance, resources, and evaluation to assist in the implementation of district and school plans to improve teaching and learning for all students.
(6) School districts are required to maintain present programs that meet current standards until such standards are superseded. The content and performance standards will supersede model learner goals according to the following schedule:
(a) Reading -- November 1998;
(b) Mathematics -- November 1998;
(c) Science -- October 1999;
(d) Technology -- October 1999;
(e) Health enhancement -- October 1999;
(f) Communication arts aligned to the reading content and performance standards -- October 1999;
(g) World languages -- October 1999;
(h) Social studies -- October 2000;
(i) Arts -- October 2000;
(j) Library media -- October 2000;
(k) Workplace competencies -- October 2000;
(l) Vocational/technical education -- October 2001.
(7) On or before July 1, 2004, a school district shall align its curriculum to the state content and performance standards and program area standards as adopted by the Board of Public Education. A school district shall maintain programs to align with the state's schedule for revising standards.