(1) Habilitation services are services that stimulate and maintain the development of a recipient's skills or that reduce behaviors which interfere with the recipient's development.
(2) Habilitation services may include:
(a) intense training required to alleviate severe skill deficits;
(b) on-going, supervised intervention for significant behavior problems;
(c) substantial care needed for medical problems which do not preclude habilitation;
(d) intensive daily care required because of the severity of the recipient's disability and provided by foster parents or other caregivers;
(e) individual habilitation programs carried out by foster parents or other caregivers;
(f) pre-vocational services; and
(g) supported employment services, which provide the opportunity to work for pay in regular employment, to integrate with non-disabled persons who are not paid caregivers, and to receive long term support in order to retain the employment.
(3) Pre-vocational services, or work or day services as provided in ARM 37.34.2111 are services that support habilitative goals necessary for further vocational development. Pre-vocational services prepare a recipient for paid or unpaid employment. Pre-vocational services are not intended to develop specific job skills. Pre-vocational services may include:
(a) training in self-help skills;
(b) motor and physical development;
(c) communication skills;
(d) functional academics;
(e) community life skills;
(f) work skills; and
(g) leisure skills.
(4) Supported employment services may include:
(a) pre-placement activities;
(b) job market analysis/job development;
(c) job match/screening;
(d) job placement/training;
(e) on-going assessment, support, and service coordination; and
(f) transportation.