(1) A placement may be made on a trial basis in the following situations:
(a) A person's current opening may be held open for 30 days at the request of the person or others while the person tries the new placement before making a final decision to take the new placement, as long as:
(i) the current IHP team and the receiving service provider agree, in writing, that a trial placement is needed; and
(ii) agreement is reached prior to the move.
(b) When there is uncertainty as to the ability of a service to meet a person's needs, a person's current service can be held open for a period of time, as long as:
(i) the person's IHP team and the receiving service provider send a written request to the field services and planning bureau chief of the DD program including:
(A) documentation of consensus of the local (receiving) screening committee, the person's IHP team, and the receiving service provider;
(B) behaviorally defined, measurable criteria for dismissal and for acceptance into the service, that have been established by consensus of the IHP team and the service provider; and
(C) the amount of time permitted for the trial placement has been approved. The trial will be no longer than 30 days, with requests for longer periods to be considered by the DD program on a case by case basis.