(1) Supported employment services are based on a job match. Available job placements can vary and some candidates for a service may not match an available job placement.
(2) Supported employment services are screened using the criteria and procedures in ARM 37.34.306 and 37.34.307 except as otherwise provided in this rule.
(3) Supported employment screenings include the following steps:
(a) a supported employment referral packet is compiled including components required by the vocational rehabilitation program of the department, when funding under Title VI part C of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, is to be used;
(b) the screening committee uses a need category form specific to supported employment, to reach consensus on recommendations regarding each referral;
(c) the local screening committee determines which referrals go into a pool of names on the waiting list for supported employment;
(d) if federal title VI-C funds are to be accessed for the service, the referrals are passed to the vocational rehabilitation single point of access case managers' coalition (SPA) for review;
(e) the service provider makes a job match from the pool of names when a placement becomes available; and
(f) the local screening committee reviews the selection decision.