(1) A child from birth to 18 years of age or an adult less than 22 years of age is eligible for federally funded intensive family educational support services if the person has a developmental disability, has one or more of the characteristics in (2) and without intensive services, would be in jeopardy of placement in an ICF/MR due to the inability of the natural or foster family to maintain the child in the home without additional resources.
(2) Characteristics of persons with developmental disabilities in need of intensive services are:
(a) severe/profound mental retardation, including extreme deficiencies in self-care and daily living skills as compared to age peers;
(b) significant maladaptive social and/or interpersonal behavior patterns which require an ongoing supervised program of intervention; or
(c) severe medical or health related problems such as sensory or physical deficits requiring substantial care.
(3) The person must meet medicaid eligibility requirements.
(4) The person must be determined by the field services specialist or the intensive services review committee to meet the eligibility requirements for intensive services.