(1) There shall be sufficient qualified and certified chemical dependency counselors, clerical and other support staff, who are not of the present client population, to ensure the attainment of program service objectives and properly maintain the chemical dependency treatment facility. Supervision of all professional and support staff must be clearly demonstrated. This shall not preclude the assignment of work to a client when the assignment is part of the client's treatment program, the client's work assignment has therapeutic value, and the client works under the immediate supervision of a certified staff member.
(2) There shall be written and current job descriptions for each position within the program which details duties, responsibilities and minimum qualifications.
(3) Certification:
(a) Pursuant to 53-24-204 , MCA state approved programs must comply with personnel certification rules defined in ARM 20.3.401 through 20.3.416.
(b) Failure to adhere to any of the above regulations could result in the suspension or revocation of program approval.
(c) Programs must ensure adequate supervision of eligible staff in the certification process, particularly in the 12 core areas as defined in 53-24-215 , MCA.
(4) The alcohol treatment program shall maintain personnel files on each employee which contains a job description, resume and/or application, payroll records, performance evaluation and documentation of certification and training.
(5) A planned, supervised orientation shall be provided to each new employee to acquaint him or her with the organization of the program, physical plant layout, his or her particular duties and responsibilities, the policies, procedures, and equipment which are pertinent to his or her work and the disaster plan for the facility.
(6) Each employee shall have a tuberculin test upon employment.
(7) Employees with a communicable disease in an infectious stage shall not be on duty.
(8) Chemical dependency treatment programs may use volunteers provided that:
(a) Selection criteria are established.
(b) A written plan is available describing how volunteers will be used.
(c) Volunteers are provided orientation, ongoing training, and that they sign a confidentiality statement.
(d) Volunteer hours are documented as per ADIS reporting procedures.
(e) Volunteers are not used for counseling unless they are certified or eligible.
(9) Programs may develop a trainee/intern practicum providing that:
(a) All trainee/intern progress notes are co-signed by a certified counselor.
(b) A system of trainee/intern privileges is established based on training and competency.
(c) An outline of the practicum has been reviewed by the department.