(1) A prospective pupil seeking to attend school is exempt from all or part of the immunization requirements if the parent or guardian of that prospective pupil, an adult responsible for that prospective pupil, or the prospective pupil if an adult or an emancipated minor, objects thereto in a signed, written statement indicating that the proposed immunization interferes with the free exercise of the religious beliefs of the person signing the statement.
(2) In any school other than a postsecondary school, a claim of exemption from immunization requirements on religious grounds must be notarized annually and maintained on a form HES 113, Affidavit of Exemption on Religious Grounds, provided by the department. The form must be provided to the school prior to each school year by the parent, guardian or adult responsible for the pupil. If the pupil is 18 years of age or older or emancipated, the pupil may claim the exemption.
(3) In a postsecondary setting, a religious exemption must be maintained on form HES 113 and signed, notarized and submitted each year of attendance, beginning with the date of initial attendance at the school. The form must be completed and resubmitted each year thereafter.
(4) The original copy of the claim of religious exemption must be kept by the school as part of the pupil's school record.