(1) Whenever a probable or confirmed case exists:
(a) the case must be isolated in a facility approved by both the department and the local health officer and isolation must be imposed until all scabs are separated and the case is no longer considered infectious; and
(b) those who are identified as contacts of the case or contacts of another contact of the case must be offered vaccination, and:
(i) if not vaccinated, must be quarantined and monitored for fever by the local health officer for 18 days following their last contact with the case or contact; or
(ii) if vaccinated, must be monitored for fever for 14 days following physical evidence of successful vaccination.
(2) A compliance order must be issued by the local health officer to each individual described in (1)(b) who is under surveillance that requires that individual to:
(a) monitor and record the individual's temperature twice daily;
(b) remain in the individual's local community; and
(c) daily report the individual's health status to the person designated in the order.
(3) An individual described in (1)(b) who reports or is identified with two successive temperature readings equal to or exceeding 101°F must be instructed to remain home until the local health officer arranges immediate transportation to a facility designated by the local health officer for evaluation of the individual's condition.
(4) If an individual with a fever as described in (3) develops a rash, the individual will be subject to (1)(a).
(5) If no rash develops within five days after the onset of fever and the fever is diagnosed as being caused by recent vaccination or some other nonsmallpox etiology, the individual may be released to their home, where compliance with the terms of the compliance order required by (2) must be continued.
(6) An investigation must be conducted by the department and the local health officer to identify the source of exposure, and surveillance for additional cases must be initiated.